Page 38 - Paths to Change
P. 38
About the Text This text is an abridged excerpt from an article written for NPR on the 25-year anniversary of the Los Angeles riots. The Los Angeles riots took place over 5 days in response to the footage of Los Angeles police beating Rodney King after being pulled over under suspicion of drunk driving. This event, and subsequent footage, added fuel to the fire of the Black community who already felt unfairly targeted by police and unfairly represented by the justice system. This text gives students the opportunity to examine much of the criticism (of both sides) associated with protests, related looting and military presence as a response. This document pushes students to consider when, or if, the destruction of property or looting is ever acceptable and if its perpetrators are worthy of our empathy. Challenge students to draw comparisons between the behaviors of protestors during the Los Angeles riots and those during the George Floyd protests, as well as comparisons of the perceived motivations of both groups. Student Questions & Sample Responses 1. Summarize the events that led to the Los Angeles riots? The beating of Rodney King by Los Angeles police following the murder of a young girl falsely accused of stealing by a Korean store owner are the events that led to the riots. 2. How might the verdict in the trial of the officers accused of assaulting Rodney King have been different if the jurors had been Black? Had Rodney King’s accusers faced a jury that included Black people, or more people of color, it is more likely the officers would likely have been convicted and faced some form of punishment. 3. How might this document be used to show that protesting does not change society? The Los Angeles riots are an example of how protests can turn into an opportunity for people to steal and be violent. When people begin to use violence or steal, it distracts from the goal of the protest and does not actually accomplish anything other than the public having a negative perception of the protestors. 4. Based on the article, how does the justice system handle non-Black offenders versus Black offenders? The article details how white police officers and a Korean store owner were released without any jail time after severely beating a Black man and committing murder. Rodney King was beaten before being Text 7: Rodney King Anniversary Article Educator Guide The Black Inquiry Project 37