Page 42 - Paths to Change
P. 42

About the Text This visual text is a photograph documenting one of the most controversial and misunderstood protests of our time. The kneeling player on the right is football quarterback and civil rights activist Colin Kaepernick. Kaepernick kneeled in protest of police brutality and racial inequality during the national anthem at the start of NFL games in 2016. While it is customary to stand for the national anthem, during the 2016 season, Kaepernick protested by first sitting and in subsequent games kneeling. The response to his protest was so dramatic and polarizing that it garnered the attention of President Donald Trump who said that NFL players who protested during the national anthem should be fired. After being released from his team and failing to be hired by another the following season, Kaepernick filed a grievance against the NFL for colluding to keep him out of the league. The grievance was removed in 2019, after the NFL settled with Kaepernick for an undisclosed amount. Kaepernick’s protest received renewed attention following the murder of George Floyd as protestors marched against the same systemic racism and police brutality that Kaepernick called out four years prior. Use this image to discuss the motivation for his protest that continues to be a point of contention for Black Americans today. Student Questions & Sample Responses 1. Who or what is shown in this photograph? Why was it taken? A football player (Colin Kaepernick) is shown kneeling with one of his teammates at a football game while the American flag is being stretched across the field. The photograph was likely taken to document Kaepernick’s protest against police violence against Black Americans by kneeling during the national anthem. 2. Would Kaepernick’s protest message be more or less powerful if more people were kneeling with him? Answers will vary. Accept all answers supported by evidence. 3. How might you use this document to argue that protesting does not bring change? This document could be used to show protesting does not bring change because, based on the photograph only, it does not appear that Kaepernick has many supporters or has gained much attention Text 8: Colin Kaepernick Photograph Educator Guide            The Black Inquiry Project 41 

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