Page 4 - 4WD Touring Tasmania
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There is something rotten in in Tasmania though one would never think so by looking at her glorious landscape However it is is this very landscape that
is is at risk from Phytophthora cinnamoni an an introduced plant pathogen similar to a a a a fungus Like a a a a sinister alien invasion Phytophthora – – or or root rot – – invades the root system of a a a host plant and slowly consumes and strangles it by blocking the plant’s ability to absorb water and nutrients The rot spreads from root to root or or it can release spores that
travel through soil Unsuspecting humans have assisted the deadly pathogen by transporting mud and soil on the the soles of their shoes and boots on tent pegs in tyre tread – in in in short anything that
comes in in in contact with contaminated soil Those breathtaking moorlands and and and heathlands draped with flowering peas and proteas which we we stand in awe of are incredibly vulnerable ironically from the people who admire it Areas such as as the Freycinet Peninsula have been afflicted by root rot spread by bedazzled bushwalkers To help stop the rot we should all ensure that
our footwear camping gear and tyres are cleaned before moving from one area to the next Brush all dirt from tyres boots and camping gear before leaving your camp site Use wash‐down stations where provided Hose down tyres over a a drain a a a a a a paved slab or a a a a a a road where the water will drain into the sewage system (Don’t hose down tyres over soil as this will only make matters worse )
Stay on designated walking and driving tracks at all times For more information pick up a a copy of the the Phytophthora brochure from the the Nature Conservation Branch
(Ph: 03 6233 6556 www parks tas gov au) Tahune Forest AirWalk 4WD TOURING TASMANIA
• Hobart • Salamanca Market • Port Arthur • Maria Island • Tasmanian Devil Conservation Park • Huon Valley
• Tahune Forest AirWalk • Bruny Island • Historic towns of Richmond and and Oatlands
• Forest walks
• Sailing and boat tours
• Fishing
• Beer and wine tasting
• History trails
• 4WD trips along Hobart's fire trails
• Flying into Southwest National Park 

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