Page 128 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 128

Stated Bene ts
Body transporta on costs
In the event that there is a valid claim for Accidental Death, the Company will pay the reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the repatria on of the Insured Person’s mortal remains to his normal place of residence;
the liability of the Company shall not exceed R75 000 (seventy  ve thousand Rand) for any one Insured Person.
In the event of Accidental Bodily Injury to:
1. an Insured Person’s child resul ng in disability which requires regular care and a endance;
2. an Insured Person or his/her spouse resul ng in disability which prevents care being given to a child;
the Company will pay to the Insured Person R300 (three hundred Rand) per day during the period of such disability: PROVIDED THAT:
the Company will:
1. not be liable for the  rst 7 (seven) days of each and every claim;
2. only be liable for a period not longer than 28 (twenty eight) days in respect of each and every claim;
3. only be liable for a maximum of R15 000 (  een thousand Rand) in respect of any Insured Person in any one 12 (twelve) month period of insurance, irrespec ve of the number of children the Insured Person has;
4. only be liable for a maximum of R100 000 (one hundred thousand Rand) per Policy in any 12 (twelve) month period of insurance;
5. not be liable for any claim in respect of a child who is more than 16 (sixteen) years of age;
6. only be liable if con nuous treatment and a endance by a quali ed, registered medical prac  oner is necessary for the condi on rendering the child or parent(s) disabled;
7. only be liable if the child is permanently resident with the Insured Person.
Crime bene t
In the event that the Insured Person’s Death or Permanent Disability is as a direct consequence of a crime, the Company will pay an addi onal 10% (ten percent) of the Insured Person’s Death or Permanent Disability bene t up to a maximum amount of R100 000 (one hundred thousand Rand).
Deten on
In the event of the deten on under duress of any Insured Person, other than by reasons of:
1. engagement (or alleged engagement) in any poli cal ac vity against the de jure or de facto Government of the country where the deten on occurs;
2. failure to be in possession of the requisite visas, work permits or associated documents required by such country;
3. involvement (or any allega on thereof) in any criminal ac vity;
4. debt, insolvency, commercial failure, failure to provide any bond or security or other  nancial loss;
the cover in terms of this Sec on shall con nue in force for the dura on of such an occurrence, or 12 (twelve) months from the date of such occurrence, whichever is the lesser period.
If Temporary Total Disability is insured, the Company will regard Deten on of the Insured Person as a claim for Temporary Total Disability.
Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018 Page | 127

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