Page 14 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 14
General Excep ons, Condi ons and Provisions
19. Insurable Interest
19.1 The Insured must have an insurable interest in any item insured under this Policy at the date of the event giving rise to a claim.
19.2 If the Insured's insurable interest in an insured item is an interest other than as an owner or a good faith possessor of the goods (in terms of a credit agreement or else) who bears the risk of loss, the Insured must advise the Company of the nature and extent of the insurable interest before the cover commences.
19.3 The cover for any such item will start only when the Company has given wri en con rma on and agreed to insure the property.
19.4 Should the nature or extent of the insurable interest in any item insured under this Policy change, the Insured must no fy the Company immediately in wri ng of such change. Failure to do so may en tle the Company to reject the claim if the Insured's insurable interest was not agreed to by the Company.
20. Deten on, con sca on and forfeiture
This Policy does not cover any loss, damage, cost or expense directly or indirectly arising from deten on, con sca on, forfeiture, impounding or requisi on legally carried out by customs, South African Police Services, crime preven on units or other o cials or authori es.
21. The by false pretences and fraud
This Policy does not cover loss or damage resul ng directly or indirectly from or in connec on with any actual or purported exchange, cash or credit sale agreement including the by false pretences and/or fraud.
22. Sanc on limita on and exclusion
The Company shall not be liable to pay any claim or provide any bene t to the extent that the provision of such cover, payment of such claim or provision of such bene t would expose the Company to any sanc on, prohibi on or restric on under United Na ons resolu ons or the trade or economic sanc ons, laws or regula ons of the European Union, United Kingdom or United States of America.
23. Policy and Schedule
The Policy and the Schedule together con rm the contract between the Insured and the Company and should be read as one document. Should there be any con ict in interpreta on between the contents of the printed Policy and the contents of the Schedule, the Policy Schedule shall be given precedence.
24. Defec ve design, lack of maintenance and cost of maintenance
The insurance provided by this Policy does not cover loss of or damage to property stated in the Schedule related to or caused by or a ributable or rela ng to defec ve design, workmanship, construc on or material or lack of maintenance or the cost thereof.
25. Gradual deteriora on, wear and tear
The Company shall not be responsible to pay for gradual deteriora on and/or wear and tear to property stated in the Schedule which occurs over a period of me.
26. Delay of cover
26.1 No Sec on of this Policy will provide cover against loss or damage during the rst 48 (forty eight) hours from commencement of the Policy caused by:
26.1.1 bush- or grass re;
26.1.2 a named cyclone or cau onary in which warning was given of a poten al tsunami.
26.2 This General Condi on does not apply if this Policy cover directly follows a previous Policy Sec on that covers the same event without a break in cover.
Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018 Page | 13