Page 147 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 147

Notwithstanding Speci c Excep on 2 of this Sec on, the indemnity under Sub-Sec on B extends to indemnify to the extent required by the general condi ons of contract published by the Joint Building Contracts Commi ee, the South African Associa on of Consul ng Engineers, the South African Ins tu on of Civil Engineers and in connec on with any liability arising from the performance of such contract, any principal named in such contract entered into by the Insured for the purposes of the business;
the liability of the Company shall not exceed the limit of indemnity stated in the Schedule.
Waiver of subroga on rights
For the purposes of this Sec on, the Company waives all rights of subroga on or ac on which they may have or acquire against any other person to whom the indemnity hereunder applies, and each such person shall observe, ful ll and be subject to the Terms, Excep ons and Condi ons (both general and speci c) of this insurance in so far as they can apply.
Loss of locks, keys, central locking devices and remotes
The Company will indemnify the Insured in respect of the cost of replacing locks, keys, central locking devices and remotes including the remote alarm controller and, if necessary, the reprogramming of any coded alarm system of any insured vehicle, following upon the disappearance of any key or alarm controller of such vehicle or following upon the Insured having reason to believe that any unauthorised person may be in possession of a duplicate of such key or alarm controller;
1. the Company's liability shall not exceed R15 000 (  een thousand Rand) in respect of any one event, or the amount stated in the Schedule; and
2. the Insured shall be responsible for the  rst 10% (ten percent) of the claim with a minimum of R1 250 (one thousand two hundred and   y Rand) each and every claim.
Parking facili es and movement of third-party vehicles
This Sec on extends to indemnify the Insured in respect of accidents caused by or through or in connec on with the moving of any vehicle (not owned or borrowed by or hired or leased to the Insured) by any person in the employment of the Insured or ac ng on the Insured's behalf;
1. this Extension shall not apply in respect of damage to vehicles which are parked for reward;
2. the Company's liability shall not exceed R2 500 000 (two million  ve hundred thousand Rand) any one event, or the amount stated in the Schedule.
For the purpose of this Extension, such vehicle (and its contents) shall not be deemed to be held in trust by or in the custody or control of the Insured.
The Company will pay for the cost to repair or replace for damage to windscreen glass, side or rear glass, head or tail lamps, or   ed spotlights forming part of any vehicle as stated in the Schedule;
1. no other damage has been caused to the vehicle giving rise to a claim under the Policy;
2. the Insured shall be responsible for the  rst amount payable (applicable to glass) stated in the Schedule of each and every loss.
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