Page 163 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 163
Motor Traders Risk
3. The rental period:
3.1 starts on the day the Company admits liability in terms of the original claim and agrees to the rental;
3.2 the rental period shall cease at the me when:
3.2.1 the vehicle is recovered upon the (and repaired if necessary) and returned to the owner;
3.2.2 the vehicle is repaired a er being damaged and returned to the owner,
3.2.3 the Company has discharged liability in respect of the loss su ered;
3.2.4 a er 30 (thirty) consecu ve days;
whichever occurs rst.
Social, domes c and pleasure use
Descrip on of Use 4. is extended to include use for social domes c and pleasure purposes in respect of the persons named in the Schedule.
It is a condi on precedent to this cover that all names of authorised drivers shall be declared to the Company and listed in the Schedule and for which a premium has been paid.
Special type vehicles
The de ni on of Vehicle shall include:
1. any tractor, agricultural, hor cultural or forestry vehicle, earth-moving equipment, forkli truck, caravan or trailer and its accessories and spare parts whilst therein or thereon which is owned or borrowed or hired or leased by the Insured or which is held in trust by or in the custody or control of the Insured but excluding any vehicle which is the property of the Insured which is hired out or has been sold under a hire purchase or suspensive sale or other deferred ownership agreement or leased out unless such vehicle is in the custody or control of the Insured at the me of the occurrence of the event which gives rise to a claim; and
2. any tractor, agricultural, hor cultural or forestry vehicle, earth-moving equipment, forkli truck or caravan (mechanically propelled or otherwise) which is a ached to a vehicle de ned in 1. above for the purpose of being towed or salvaged.
Tools of trade
Excep ons to Sub-Sec on B shall not apply to the opera on as a tool of any vehicle or plant forming part of such vehicle or a ached thereto;
the Company shall not be liable hereunder in respect of as much of any liability as falls within the scope of any form of Motor Insurance or Compulsory Third Party Insurance legisla on, notwithstanding that no such insurance is in force or has been e ected, nor shall the Company be liable where any other form of motor insurance has been e ected by the Insured covering the same liability.
Riot and strike
Subject otherwise to the Terms, Condi ons, Exclusions, Excep ons and Warran es contained therein, this Sec on is extended to cover damage directly occasioned by or through or in consequence of:
1. civil commo on, labour disturbances, riot, strike or lockout;
2. the act of any lawfully established authority in controlling, preven ng, suppressing or in any other way dealing with any occurrence referred to in 1. above;
this Extension does not cover:
1. loss or damage occurring in the Republic of South Africa and Namibia;
2. consequen al or indirect loss or damage of any kind or descrip on whatsoever, other than loss of rent if speci cally Insured;
Page | 162 Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018