Page 203 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 203

Machinery Breakdown
3. wastage of material or wearing away or wearing out of any part of the machinery caused by or naturally resul ng from ordinary usage or working or other gradual deteriora on;
4. temporary repairs and any consequences arising therefrom unless the Company has authorised the temporary repairs;
5. expendable parts and tools such as (but not limited to) bits, cu ers, knives, saws, blades, dies, pa erns, rollers, sieves, chains, belts, ropes, conveyor bands, join ng and packing material. If these parts or tools are damaged as a result of an accident to other parts of the machinery insured, as provided for by this insurance, the Company shall indemnify the Insured for the residual value of such parts or tools;
6. extra charges for express delivery, over me, Sunday and holiday rates of wages unless specially provided for herein;
7. costs of any altera ons, addi ons improvements and overhauls carried out on the occasion of a repair;
8. damage resul ng from experiments, overloads or tests requiring the imposi on of abnormal condi ons or from misapplica on of tools;
9. the value of damaged parts that can be used in any way whatsoever;
10. the cost of repairing or replacing any founda ons, masonry or refractories unless speci cally men oned in the Schedule;
11. damage due to defects or errors already exis ng at commencement of this insurance and which were known or should have been known to the Insured.
The Insured shall allow the authorised representa ves of the Company to examine the insured machinery at any reasonable  me. If during the inspec on any new facts of a nature likely to render the risk more than usually hazardous are observed the Insured must at the request of the Company restore the risk to normal within a reasonable  me failing which the Company may suspend cover in whole or in part un l the risk is restored to normal.
Altera ons to working condi ons
No ce of any intended altera on to or departure from normal working condi ons which would a ect the risk of damage to the machinery speci ed in the Schedule must be given to the Company. If the Company cannot approve the altera on or departure from normal working condi ons the Company may cancel the insurance in respect of the machinery concerned, making an appropriate return of premium.
On the happening of an event giving rise or likely to give rise to a claim the Insured:
1. shall exercise all means in his/her power to salvage the insured items and ensure their preserva on;
2. may proceed with the repair of the machinery;
2.1 he/she complies with 1. above;
2.2 the carrying out of the repair is without prejudice to any ques on of liability;
2.3 any damaged part requiring replacement is kept for inspec on by the Company.
The machinery described in the Schedule of this Sec on shall be subject to regular and adequate maintenance processes undertaken by suitably quali ed members of the Insured's own sta  or in terms of a maintenance contract with specialist maintenance engineers.
Switchgear of refrigera on machinery
The controlling switchgear of the refrigera on machinery described in the Schedule of this Sec on shall incorporate apparatus for automa c restar ng following a failure of the public supply of electricity.
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