Page 211 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 211

Important Informa on
For informa on purposes only – the following does not form part of your insurance contract.
1. You must be informed of any material changes to the details of the Intermediary and us.
2. We may not cancel your policy merely by informing your Intermediary. There is an obliga on to make sure the no ce has been given to you as required by law.
3. Do not sign any blank or par ally completed applica on forms.
4. Complete all forms in ink.
5. Keep all documents handed to you.
6. Make notes as to what is said to you.
7. Don't be pressurised to buy this Policy.
8. Incorrect informa on or non-disclosure by you may impact on any claims arising from your contract of insurance.
9. If you have a complaint about the service or the advice you received from your Intermediary, please contact:
Please see disclosure no ce a ached to the Policy Schedule.
10. If you have a complaint about this Policy or the service you received from us, please contact:
Please see disclosure no ce a ached to the Policy Schedule.
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