Page 28 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 28

Disposal of salvage
Without diminishing the rights of the Company to rely on the provisions of the General Condi ons in the event of a loss, the Company agrees that it will not sell or otherwise dispose of any property which is the subject of a claim hereunder without the consent of the Insured;
the Insured can establish to the sa sfac on of the Company that to do so will prejudice their interests, in which event the Company agrees to give the Insured  rst op on to repurchase such property at its fair intrinsic value or market value, whichever is the greater.
The Insured shall not be en tled under the provisions of this clause to abandon any property to the Company whether taken possession of by the Company or not.
Water leaks/loss of water
The Company will indemnify the Insured for cost of water lost through leakage from pipes in any building, unit or on common property and for which the Insured is responsible to pay;
1. the Company will only indemnify the Insured for the cost of addi onal water consump on in the event of a quarterly meter reading of water consump on exceeding the average of the previous four quarterly meter readings by 50% (  y percent) or more;
2. the limit of indemnity in respect of cost of lost water shall not exceed R15 000 (  een thousand Rand) for any one event or R50 000 (  y thousand Rand) during any one insurance period;
3. it is a condi on precedent to liability that the Insured shall, on discovery of a leak (by physical evidence or on receipt of abnormally high water reading indicated on the account), take immediate steps to iden fy and repair the a ected leaking apparatus/pipes;
4. in addi on the Company will pay for the cost of iden fying water leaks on the premises up to R5 000 ( ve thousand Rand) per event or R10 000 (ten thousand Rand) during any one insurance period;
5. in addi on the Company will pay the cost of  lling up swimming pools or ponds following maintenance or repairs up to R5 000 ( ve thousand Rand) per any one event or R10 000 (ten thousand Rand) during any one insurance period;
6. the Company will not be liable to pay for:
6.1 cost towards remedial ac on including repairs to a ected apparatus/pipes;
6.2 losses as a result of:
6.2.1 leaking taps, geysers, toilet systems, swimming pools or any other water tank; 6.2.2 any deliberate acts of the Insured;
6.2.3 taps or else taps le  open a er being used;
6.2.4 any unit le  unoccupied for more than 30 (thirty) days consecu vely.
Each claim will be reduced by 10% (ten percent) of claim minimum R500 ( ve hundred Rand).
The Company will pay up to R10 000 (ten thousand Rand) towards costs reasonably and necessarily incurred by the Insured for the replacement of trees, shrubs, lawns, plants and  xed sprinkler installa ons situated at the grounds of the insured buildings stated in the Schedule;
such loss or damage is caused by:
1.  re, explosion or as a result of  re gh ng opera ons;
2. any other emergency service opera ons;
3. impact by vehicles or aircra  or other aerial devices, any deliberate or malicious acts;
4. but excluding the  or a empted the .
Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018
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