Page 37 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 37
Buildings Combined
Cost of demoli on and clearing and erec on of hoardings
The insurance under this Sec on includes costs necessarily incurred by the Insured in respect of the demoli on of property insured and/or the removal of debris and in providing, erec ng and maintaining hoardings required during demoli on, site clearing and/or building opera ons following damage to the property insured by a de ned event;
the total amount recoverable shall not exceed the sum insured on the property a ected.
The Company will not pay for any costs or expenses:
1. incurred in removing debris except from the site of such property destroyed or damaged and the area immediately adjacent to such site;
2. arising from pollu on or contamina on of property not insured by this Policy/Sec on.
The Company will pay up to R10 000 (ten thousand Rand) per event towards costs reasonably and necessarily incurred by the Insured for the replacement of trees, shrubs, lawns, plants and xed sprinkler installa ons situated at the grounds of the insured buildings stated in the Schedule;
such loss or damage is caused by:
1. re, explosion or as a result of re gh ng opera ons;
2. any other emergency service opera ons;
3. impact by vehicles or aircra or other aerial devices, any deliberate or malicious acts;
4. but excluding the or a empted the .
The interest of any mortgagee in the insurance under this Sec on shall not be prejudiced by any act or omission on the part of the mortgagor without the mortgagee's knowledge. The mortgagee shall, however, inform the Company as soon as any such act or omission comes to his knowledge and shall be responsible for any addi onal premium payable from the date any increased hazard shall, in terms of this clause, be assumed by the Company.
Motors and pumping equipment
The Company will pay, replace or repair for loss of or damage to xed ltra on plant, water-pumping machinery, electronic gate motors, garage door machinery or burglar alarm systems by an insured peril;
1. the Company shall not be liable to pay more than R10 000 (ten thousand Rand) any one event or R50 000 ( y thousand Rand) during any one insurance period;
2. the Insured shall be liable for the rst 10% (ten percent) of the claim with a minimum of R500 ( ve hundred Rand) for each claim;
3. the Company shall not be liable to compensate for:
3.1 automa c pool cleaners;
3.2 loss or damage as a result of wear and tear;
3.3 wear and tear;
3.4 gradual deteriora on;
3.5 inherent vice and latent defects;
3.6 any loss or damage recoverable under warranty.
Municipal plans scru ny fee
The insurance under this Sec on includes municipal plans scru ny fees;
the total amount recoverable under any item shall not exceed the sum insured on the property insured so a ected.
Page | 36 Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018