Page 82 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 82

Accidental Damage
Accidental physical loss of or damage to the insured property at or about the premises not otherwise insured or for which insurance is available and described (whether incorporated in this Policy or not) in terms of any Sec on (other than Business All Risks) of this Policy.
The amount payable for all loss or damage arising out of one original cause or source shall not exceed the sum stated and notwithstanding General Condi on 1, this Sec on shall not be called into contribu on for any de ned event for which more speci c insurance has been arranged.
The Company shall not be liable for:
1. any peril excluded or circumstance precluded from any other insurance available from the Company at incep on hereof or for any excess payable by the Insured under such insurance, or for any reduc on of the amount payable under any claim due to the applica on of average;
2. more than the individual value of any item forming part of a pair, set or collec on without regard to any special value such item may have as part of such pair, set or collec on;
3. unexplained disappearance or shortage only revealed during or a er an inventory or errors or omissions in receipts, payments or accoun ng, or mis ling or misplacing of informa on;
4. loss of or damage to insured property caused by:
4.1 any fraudulent scheme, trick, device or false pretence prac ced on the Insured (or any person having custody of the insured property) or fraud or the dishonesty of any principal or agent of the Insured;
4.2 overhea ng, implosion, cracking, fracturing, weld failure, nipple leakage or other failure. This Excep on applies only to vessels, pipes, tubes or similar apparatus;
4.3 breakdown, electrical, electronic and/or mechanical derangement;
4.4 altering, bleaching, cleaning, dyeing, manufacture, repair, restoring, servicing, renova ng, tes ng or any other work thereon;
4.5 fault or defect in its design, formula, speci ca on, drawing, plan, materials, workmanship or professional advice, normal maintenance, gradual deteriora on, deprecia on, corrosion, rust, oxida on or other chemical ac on or reac on, frost, change in temperature, expansion or humidity, fermenta on or germina on, dampness, dryness, wet or dry rot, shrinkage, evapora on, loss of weight, contamina on, pollu on, change in colour,  avour, texture or  nish or its own wear and tear;
4.6 den ng, chipping, scratching or cracking not a ec ng the opera on of the item;
4.7 termites, moths, insects, vermin, inherent vice, fumes,  aws, latent defect,  uctua ons in atmospheric or clima c condi ons, the ac on of light;
5. se lement or bedding down, ground heave or cracking of structures or the removal or weakening of support to any insured property;
6. loss of or damage:
6.1 to chemicals, oils, liquids,  uids, gases or fumes due to leakage or discharge from its container;
6.2 resul ng from leakage or discharge of chemicals, oils,  uids gases or fumes;
7. failure of and/or the deliberate withholding and/or lack of supplies of water, steam, gas, electricity, fuel or refrigerant;
8. collapse of plant and machinery, buildings and structures (other than shelving or storage pla orms);
9. deten on, con sca on, forfeiture, impounding, a achment or requisi on by any lawfully ins tuted authority or other judicial process.
Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018 Page | 81

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