Page 95 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 95
Combined Liability (Claims-made Basis)
6. Recall
arising out of recalling, removing, repairing, replacing, reinsta ng, or the cost of, or reduc on in value of, any product, if such liability arises from any defect therein or the harmful nature or unsuitability thereof.
7. Fines, penal es and puni ve damages
for nes, penal es, puni ve damages, or exemplary damages.
8. Adver sing
arising out of any form of defama on or from malicious falsehood:
8.1 made by, or at the direc on of, the Insured, with knowledge of the falsity thereof, or
8.2 related to adver sing, publishing, broadcas ng, or telecas ng ac vi es, conducted by or on the Insured’s behalf.
9. Toxic substances
arising directly or indirectly from the manufacture, supply, installa on, storage, ownership, possession, handling, use, repair, removal, stripping, dismantling, or disposal, of lead, formaldehyde, or polychlorinated biphenyl, or other materials, which the Insured knows, or has reason to suspect, contains lead or formaldehyde or polychlorinated biphenyl.
10. System failure
associated with, or caused by, a system failure, if a system failure forms an iden able element in the chain of events from which the liability arises, whether or not it is the proximate cause of the liability.
11. Pure nancial loss
for pure nancial loss, unless such pure nancial loss is a direct result of personal injury or loss of, or damage to, property, for which indemnity is provided by this Sec on of the Policy.
12. Retroac ve date
arising out of or rela ng to any Event which occurs prior to the Retroac ve date.
13. Deliberate acts
arising out of personal injury or loss of or damage to property resul ng from, whether directly or indirectly, a deliberate act or omission on the Insured’s part or any of the Insured’s employees.
14. Jurisdic on
arising out of personal injury or any loss of, or damage to property, in respect of judgments delivered or obtained in the rst instance other than by a court of competent jurisdic on within the Republic of South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland.
15. Vibra on/support
arising out of personal injury or loss of or damage to property resul ng from, whether directly or indirectly the inten onal removal of support of any property.
Page | 94 Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018