Page 12 - Hollard Business Policy - Binder
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 2.2 Pro-rata premiums
On cancellation by the Insured, the Company shall be entitled to retain the customary short period or minimum premium for the period the Policy, Policy Section or item has been in force. On cancellation by the Company, the Insured shall be entitled to claim a pro-rata proportion of the premium for the remainder of the period of insurance from the date of cancellation, subject to General Condition 3.
2.3 Premium refund
The Company will not refund the Insured upon cancellation of the Policy, Policy Section or item for the remainder of the period of insurance up to renewal if the maximum amount stated in the Schedule for such property or Section is settled in terms of a claim.
This General Condition shall apply whether the Insured gave instruction for cancellation or the Company, for whatever reason.
3. Premium payment
3.1 Where the premium is paid quarterly, bi-annually or annually
The premium is due and payable on or before the inception date or renewal date, as the case may be, but must be paid within 30 (thirty) days from this date. The Company shall not be obliged to accept premium tendered to it more than 30 (thirty) days after the inception date or renewal date, as the case may be, but may do so upon such terms as it, at its sole discretion, may determine.
3.2 Where the premium is paid monthly
The premium is due and payable on or before the inception date or the first day of each month thereafter, as the case may be. If the premium has not been paid for any reason other than the Insured having stopped payment, the Company will re-debit in the following month for two months' premium. If the full double premium has not been paid, the Policy will be cancelled from the date of the first unpaid premium.
Any valid claims incurred by the Insured during the unpaid period as defined above, will only be considered if the total outstanding premium has been settled in full.
4. Adjustment of premium
If the premium for any Section of this Policy has been calculated on any estimated figures, the Insured shall, after the expiry of each period of insurance, furnish the Company with such particulars and information as the Company may require for the purpose of recalculation of the premium for such period. Any difference shall be paid by or to the Insured, as the case may be.
5. Prevention of loss
The Insured shall take all reasonable steps and precautions to prevent accidents or losses, including but not limited to, compliance and adherence to laws and regulations which are material to the risk. The Insured warrants that all laws, regulations, by-laws and rules that apply to the business or any other matter for which cover is provided in terms of this Policy (irrespective of whether the laws, regulations, by-laws and rules are in force at the date this Policy is issued, or are enacted after that date) shall be adhered to at all times.
6. Claims 6.1
The Insured shall on the happening of any event which may result in a claim under this Policy, at their own expense:
6.1.1 give notice thereof to the Company as soon as reasonably possible and provide particulars of any other insurance covering such events as are hereby insured;
6.1.2 shall as soon as practicable after the event or such further time as the Company may in writing allow, submit to the Company a claim in writing and give the Company such proof, information and sworn declarations as the Company may reasonably require;
6.1.3 shall immediately after the event inform the Police of any claim involving criminal behaviour or (if required by the Company) loss of property and take all practical steps to discover the guilty party and to recover the stolen or lost property;
6.1.4 shall preserve all property following a loss.
General Exceptions, Conditions and Provisions
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Hollard Business Policy – Binder – Version 8 2024

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