Page 38 - Hollard Business Policy - Binder
P. 38

Accidental damage to water, sewerage, gas, electricity and telecommunication connections the property of the Insured or for which they are legally responsible, between the property insured and the public supply or mains.
1. Where the business of the Insured is that of a hotel, boarding house, bed-and-breakfast facility or similar occupation:
Loss of rent as a result of the property insured being so damaged by any of the perils specified as to be rendered untenantable (including partially untenantable) but only for the period necessary for reinstatement and for an amount not exceeding 30% (thirty percent) of the sum insured applicable to buildings, plant and machinery. The basis of calculation shall be the rent payable by the Insured as lessee of the buildings, plant and machinery immediately preceding the damage or if the Insured is not the lessee of the buildings, plant and machinery, the rental equivalent in rental value that they should have received as lessor for leasing all of the buildings, plant and machinery to a single legal entity.
2. Where the business of the Insured is other than as stated in 1. above:
Loss of rent as a result of the property insured being so damaged by any of the perils specified as to be rendered untenantable (including partially untenantable) but only for the period necessary for reinstatement and for an amount not exceeding 30% (thirty percent) of the sum insured on the affected property. The basis of calculation shall be the rent payable immediately preceding the damage or its equivalent in rental value.
Damages for which the Insured shall become legally liable to pay consequent upon accidental death of or bodily injury to or illness of any person (hereinafter termed injury) or accidental loss of or physical damage to tangible property (hereinafter termed damage) occurring during the period of insurance in, on or about the property insured and arising from the Insured's ownership thereof.
The amount payable inclusive of any legal costs recoverable from the Insured by a claimant or any number of claimants and other costs and expenses incurred with the Company's consent for any one event or series of events with one original cause or source shall not exceed R5 000 000 (five million rand).
Additional cover may be purchased in which case the limit stated in the Schedule will be over and above the automatic cover provided.
The Company will not indemnify the Insured under this Sub-Section in respect of:
1. injury or damage sustained by:
1.1 any member of the same household or family as the Insured;
1.2 any person employed by the Insured under a contract of service or apprenticeship and arising directly from and in the course of such employment by the Insured;
1.3 any other person resulting from the ownership of or use by or on behalf of the Insured of mechanically propelled vehicles (except pedal cycles and lawnmowers);
2. damage to property:
2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2
belonging to the Insured;
in the custody or control of the Insured or any employee of the Insured;
Buildings Combined
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Hollard Business Policy – Binder – Version 8 2024

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