Page 17 - Personal Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines - Binder product rules & addendums - Version 1
P. 17
General Procedures
The adjudica on process will be conducted by Sasria in line with the Preferen al Procurement Act.
Sasria will con rm its decision to the Loss Adjuster in wri ng con rming the name of the selected Construc on Company.
The loss adjustor will need to prepare an engagement le er and a copy must be submi ed to Sasria for ling.
Sasria should invite and accept wri en price quota ons for requirements from as many suppliers as possible that are registered on the list of prospec ve suppliers.
Where no suitable suppliers are available from the list of prospec ve suppliers, wri en price quota ons may be obtained from other possible suppliers.
If it is not possible to obtain at least 3 (three) wri en price quota ons, the reasons should be recorded and approved by the Execu ve Insurance Opera ons.
Where the se lement is processed by way of repairs or replacement, the repair invoices must be accompanied by a Clearance Cer cate signed by the Insured.
10.4.11 To monitor repairs on a regular basis and in this regard provide Sasria with regular progress reports.
10.4.12 To personally ensure that repairs have been completed to the Insured’s sa sfac on.
10.4.13 To obtain the Insured’s wri en con rma on that repairs have been sa sfactory completed.
10.4.14 In cases of cash in lieu se lement to obtain a completed and signed Sasria release.
10.4.15 To submit the repairer’s invoice debited in favour of Sasria and clearance cer cate signed by the insured.
10.4.16 To dispose of any salvage at the highest possible amount.
10.4.17 To submit their fee account debited to Sasria.
Motor Assessor’s Mandate
a) A motor assessor must be appointed on all motor claims above R10 000 (ten thousand)other than Glass claims.
b) The assessor must authorise the repairs immediately once values are agreed.
c) The assessor must track progress of the repairs un l completed, and sign o to con rm that the repairs were done accordingly.
d) Where the agreed amounts change the assessor must sign o for addi onal costs and advise Sasria on the changes.
e) The assessor must track progress of the repairs un l completed, and sign o to con rm that the repairs were done accordingly.
10.5 Salvage
10.5.1 Sasria is not party to any agreements between the NMI and Salvers, whereby salvage is sold at set rates.
10.5.2 All salvage sale nego a ons must be carried out by the Loss Adjuster/assessor, and the sale of same must be to the highest bidder.
10.5.3 For motor claims, the assessor must ensure the vehicles are deregistered with the correct code as per the SAIA code of conduct.
10.5.4 Salvage or scrap must be disposed of immediately.
10.5.5 The proceeds from the sale of salvage must be made payable to Sasria who will provide the purchaser with a Tax Invoice.
10.6 Release Form
10.6.1 A Release must be obtained when a ‘cash in lieu’ se lement is to be made.
10.6.2 Only the Sasria Release Form is to be used.
10.6.3 The Release may only be made available to the Insured once Sasria has accepted liability of the claim, in wri ng.
Binder Claims Mandates and Guidelines – 2015/2016 Page | 15