Page 35 - Personal Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines - Binder product rules & addendums - Version 1
P. 35
Non-motor Claims Procedures
As soon as the Insured advises you of a loss or an event that could result in a loss:
1.1 Obtain a
1.1.1 1.1.2
1.1.3 1.1.4
1.1.5 1.1.6
completed claim form from the Insured.
The claim form has to be completed and signed and dated by the Insured himself.
You or any marketer within your organisa on may not complete or sign the claim form for or on behalf of the Insured.
You will normally either meet the Insured face to face in your o ces, or communica on will alterna vely be by telephone or e-mail.
It is important to pay special a en on to the date of loss and the descrip on of the loss. This is important because it is the client's disclosure of how the loss occurred and details of the claim. If this informa on is not completed the claim form cannot be accepted.
Example: DOL 16 May 2010 at 3pm.
I le my laptop on the back seat of the vehicle when I went shopping.
NOTE: The descrip on indicates where the client was at the me of the loss and where the item which the client is claiming for was at the me it was stolen.
Manage the client's expecta ons and inform him what the Claims department will do in order to process the claim accordingly.
Provide the client with an approximate me that it may take to for assessors or loss adjusters to meet and report on the claim. If you have commi ed to a me – abide by it diligently and keep your client informed about unexpected changes that may occur.
1.2 Register the claim on the relevant computer system as soon as you receive the claim form together with any other relevant claims documenta on, for example quotes, proof of purchase and ownership. Open a claim le and use the ac on sheet/s to keep detailed notes on the le.
1.3 Advise and report the claims to Hollard by contac ng Hollard where the claim is any one of the following:
1.3.1 Value over your claims mandate
1.3.2 Any liability
1.3.3 Late no ca on
1.3.4 Sta claim
1.3.5 Ex gra a
1.3.6 Sasria
1.3.7 Any possible rejec ons
1.3.8 Technical (Assistance required).
1.4 You may proceed with appointment of the appropriate assessor, loss adjuster or Inves gator where the merit of the claim allows you to do so. If you are unsure of how to proceed, please contact Hollard. Appoint a loss adjuster to assess the loss subject to the following criteria:
1.4.1 Appoint only loss adjusters that are approved by Hollard. Make use of the Hollard Procurement Pages to assist you with your decision.
1.4.2 All assessments are instructed on a 'without prejudice' basis. The loss adjuster is not authorised to nego ate se lement or to formulate an agreement of loss, without having received the authorisa on from your o ce to do so.
1.4.3 Where the value of the claim adds to the merit of appoin ng a loss adjuster.
Binder Claims Mandates and Guidelines – 2015/2016 Page | 33