Page 52 - Personal Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines - Binder product rules & addendums - Version 1
P. 52
Risk Management
the business discipline applied by large commercial and industrial organisa on to manage those risks which can cause losses
Short-term Insurance
Solvency Margin
Speci ca on
Stop Loss Reinsurance
Third Party
Third-party, Fire And The Insurance (Motor)
Uberrima Fides
whatever is recovered of an Insured item or part of it, on which a claim has been paid.
insurance which a business organisa on nances internally by establishing a fund to meet losses.
insurance that operates on a year-to-year basis and which may be terminated by the Insurer or the Insured.
the minimum size of shareholders' funds required by the supervisory authori es.
the form on which details of large risks are set out and appended to the policy.
a form of reinsurance used as a means of limi ng aggregate net losses on a par cular class of business in any one year of account.
a shi ing or falling away of ground in such a manner that a building is le wholly or par ally unsupported in its original posi on.
that part of the Sum Insured which the Insurer does not retain and consequently reinsures.
a person who is not a party to a contract.
third party insurance plus cover for re damage to and the the of the Insured's own vehicle.
the duty of good faith imposed on both par es to an insurance contract to disclose all material facts.
an Insurer; a person who makes decisions on whether or not to accept insurance business.
the list of personal details of the Insured and the subject ma er of the insurance in a policy.
Short-period Rate
the rate of premium applied to insurances in force for periods of less than twelve months and which is higher propor onately than the annual rate.
a form submi ed by a Broker to Underwriters containing par culars of the risk proposed for insurance.
Special Perils
extra risks added to a policy to give cover not provided in terms of the basis wording; the term usually applies to storm, water, wind and impact damage added to a re policy.
Statute Law
laws promulgated by the government of a country.
Subroga on
the right of one party to stand in a place of another and take up the la er's legal rights against a third party.
Sum Insured
the monetary limit of the Insurer's liability under a policy.
Target Risk
the main risk where the client has more than one premises. This is the risk which if damaged, will a ect the Insurer the most.
Third-party Insurance (Motor)
motor insurance cover providing compensa on for injury to third par es and damage to their property.
Treaty Reinsurance
a contract between an Insurer and a reinsuring company under which the former agrees to give and the reinsurer agrees to accept reinsurance for risks falling within the terms of the agreement.
insurance for a Sum Insured less than the value at risk.
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Binder Claims Mandates and Guidelines – 2015/2016