Page 49 - HEF Pen & Ink 2020
P. 49

by Elsa Grebenc
by Chase Tielking
After waking up from an uneasy dream, I sit up agitated and breathless while my heart is pound- ing. After I recollect my thoughts, I get up and get
a glass of water. The water tastes transparent, al- most as if it is cleansing my soul of the bad dreams. Tonight’s dream was especially bad. I usually get
so scared my wife Mary wakes me up because I’m shaking so much. But this time I woke up as stiff as a board. I was terrified for what I just saw. I can only imagine the loud shot then everything going pitch black. I don’t want to remember this, but I also don’t want to go back to bed and go through that unpleas- ant dream again.
I asked.
“It was magnificent. I noticed you left the bed
I stay awake. The clock reads 4:02 A.M. on April 14th. Today all I wanted to do was stay home and try to stay calm. This shouldn’t be hard, but my wife likes to go out and do things. More time passes on and I brew a pot of coffee in our kitchen. Mary wakes up from her deep slumber.
I want to fight back with my wife, but maybe going to the theater to watch a live performance will make me relaxed. Maybe going out won’t be that bad, but until then I’m going to try to sleep to solve all my problems.
“Why hello dear, how was your beauty sleep?”
The clock now reads 6:37 P.M. and the show starts at 8:00. Mary and I put on our nicest attire for this evening. While I’m wearing a perfectly fitted black tuxedo, my wife is wearing a long, dark, silk 47
earlier than usual,” Mary replied.
“Oh, it was just another bad dream I had. I
don’t want to go out anywhere on this fine Saturday,” I expressed back to Mary.
“Why’s that?” Mary remarked.
“The nightmare I had made me debilitated, I’m all worn out,” I mentioned.
“Well I hope you get some rest because we are heading to the theater tonight.”

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