Page 40 - AreaNewsletters "Nov2022" issue
P. 40

B US I N E S S & F I N A N C E
What You Will Learn Through
Facebook Ma ery
Instant ways to increase your reach, your interactions, and your leadership e ectiveness
• Detailed strategies to engage your prospects using your personal pro le.
• In-depth information on how to create a Business Page that gets you followers, but also gets
• Proven strategies to build a private group and develop community, engagement, and loyalty
within the group.
Follow Up in Real Time
You are not on your own to implement Facebook Mastery. I am here to coach you as you practice what you have learned.
• You will be able to send messages with questions you may have.
• You can send images of posts you have made, the interaction with it, and discuss issues,
problems, or improvements you can make.
Results Are Up To You
I give instruction, that when you implement it, you will get results. You will receive ideas of what to post, but the posting and taking the action is in your realm of responsibility.
Allison Aldabute-Koiner 352-801-3320 10 years of Facebook experience
happen when you put into action what you have learned.
FirsTier Bank Banking CD Rates
Special CD Rate
4.17% APY*
10 Month Term
11 Month Term
Castle Rock’s only community bank.
*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) and interest rate for Certi cate of Deposit (CD) may change after account opening. Fees could reduce earnings on the CD. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. *The CD is automatically renewed into a Standard 9 month CD with current rate at renewal.
*The Annual Percentage Yield is current as of October 31, 2022.
November 2022 • Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters” 40

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