Page 27 - AreaNewsletters "Oct'19" issue
P. 27

How To Find an Advisor
By Dan Maurer, CEO/Owner, DWM Family Wealth Ltd.
Financial advisory relationships should be set up to continue for decades, hopefully to the satisfaction and
pleasure of both the client and the advisor. An ethical, competent, experienced advisor must place your  nancial interestsaboveallelse. Youworktoohardandfortoolongtoentrustyour nancialfuturetoavirtualstranger.Itisyourmoneyand taking the time to pick the best advisor is the best way to protect it.
Due to the signi cance of this decision, I would always recommend two key steps:
1. Talking to friends, neighbors, co-workers to see if they have an existing advisor relationship that they would recommend and why. Simple advice, a good start would be to identify at least three potential candidates.
2. A quick check of the advisor’s background and disciplinary history on FINRA’s Broker Check website will evidence any potential background issues.
Next, most advisors will provide one or more introductory consultations that will serve to understand your individual goals and set expectations for the relationship. In order to be e ective, be prepared and expect an advisor to delve deeper into your lifestyle and  nancial a airs. Nowadays, popular coordinated discussion topics are:
• Household budget and spending • Overall tax management • Estate planning • Prospect for dependent adult children or parents • Complicated employment/social security bene ts
Selecting an advisor is an opportunity to rethink how and why you spend, save, borrow and invest. Avoid becoming “numbertose”, de ned as being the overwhelming confusion caused by the numbers and equations one must contemplate to plan their future. Understand your speci c game plan. If you cannot clearly articulate your understanding and expectations than something is wrong.
A  nancial surprise is not normally a pleasant experience. Selecting the right advisor relationship can avoid such pitfalls.
Contact me if you’d like to meet for coffee and chat.
All  nancial planning services are provided free of charge
to retired or active Police, Fire Fighters, Teachers and Military.
Investment Advisory Services o ered through DWM Family Wealth Ltd.
“Let me treat you to
and a second opinion.”
Aware Accessible Accountable
Architect Your Financial Future.
It is nice to understand your plan and the advice you receive.
Watch for Future Articles:
• Protect Your Legacy (BOSS) • Re ections of Castle Rock • A Look Ahead in 2020
Dan Maurer, CEO/Owner 303-814-2349
27 Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters • October 2019

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