Page 9 - AreaNewsletters "Dec2022" issue
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CRCGS Castle Rock Colorado Genealogical Society Genealogy
Castle Rock Colorado Genealogical Society (CRCGS)
CRCGS is a recognized non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible. All programs and classes are offered free of charge, unless otherwise noted, thanks to the support of our members and their annual dues. All regular CRCGS functions occur at the Philip S. Miller Library, 100 Wilcox St., Castle Rock, CO 80104 unless otherwise noted in the event description. Check our website for updates to our programming and education. Your dues help us provide quality Saturday program speakers, educational classes, special interest groups, and workshops. Our membership year is from January 1 to December 31. Go to to Join/Renew. You can pay with PayPal or download a Membership form and mail it to the address. We look forward to another exciting year of learning and sharing your expertise with other genealogists.
Thursday, December 8, 2022 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. via ZOOM
Dowered or Bound Out: Records of Widows and Orphans by Judy Russell
Widows and orphans have always had a special place in the law. But it’s not always the place that 21st century researchers might expect. An orphan in the early days wasn’t a child whose parents had died, but rather a child whose father had died. The law didn’t care much about the mother. She was just the widow, entitled to her dower rights and generally not much more. Learn more of the way the law treated widows and orphans, and what the records may tell us about them.
The Legal Genealogist Judy G. Russell is a genealogist with a law degree who writes and lectures on topics ranging from using court records in family history to understanding DNA testing. An internationally known lecturer and award-winning writer, she holds credentials as a Certified Genealogist® and Certified Genealogical LecturerSM from the Board for Certification of Genealogists®.
Free to members. Registration required at Education.
SHARE: Sharing Help and Research Experience via ZOOM Webinar
Every Monday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Join us on Monday mornings to share Genealogy research roadblocks and triumphs, pick up a few tricks and tips, and hear some great family stories from your fellow genealogists. Registration required at
Are you interested in becoming a member or need to renew your Membership?
9 Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters” • December 2022