Page 40 - AreaNewsletters "Sep 2021" issue
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Colorado State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Colorado counties cooperating. CSU Extension programs are available to all without discrimination. No endorsement of products mentioned is intended nor is criticism implied of products not mentioned.
By: Robert Sánchez, Douglas County Colorado Master Gardener
Mulching Your Garden in the Fall
Is Important
Mulching your garden is an important cultural practice in good gardening techniques. You can mulch virtually any time of the year. However, there are additional bene ts to mulching your garden in the fall.
What is Mulch? Mulch consists of dead leaves, grass clippings, twigs, bark pieces, or any type of purchased materials that include bark pieces, shredded wood, or pea-sized rock particles. Mulch can come in different shapes and colors to complement your landscape. Microorganisms feed on organic mulch, breaking down its chemical constituents into nutrients for your plants. Because organic mulches break down, you will have to replace them periodically. If you have not mulched your garden, think about doing so and, if you have, check your mulch to ensure you are ready for fall. Here’s why:
Mulch Moderates Temperatures. As we enter the fall months, we can have some
2021 Slash-Mulch Site
is for Douglas County residents only, and is open Saturdays 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. through October 30th. If inclement weather, call 303-663-6274.
Bark mulch around roses. (Credit: Robert Sanchez)
cold days and frigid nights. Mulch moderates soil temperature extremes, helping to keep your roots from freezing, particularly when they are actively absorbing and transmitting water and nutrients on warm days, but can be prone to freezing at night. Mulch also keeps your roots cool in the summer.
Mulch Retains Moisture. Mulch reduces evaporation from soil. This can reduce watering needs during the spring and summer and help your plant survive hot, dry periods, but mulch also helps retain soil moisture when we don’t water as much in the fall and winter.
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September 2021 • Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters”
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