Page 19 - AreaNewsletters "May'18" issue
P. 19

 e Mother’s Day Gi  for Mother’s Day
by Teddi Ann Barry, Esq.
Did you pause yet today to offer your kid a smile? A hug?
Did he smile back? Did she let you know how much that hug meant to her? Did you take the time to realize how much both meant to you?
No matter how you spend your Mother’s Day this year, may it be a season to  nd joy as a mother in every day – not just the one they try and make others celebrate.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Every year some make a huge deal about Mother’s Day. Others don’t make enough of a big deal. Regardless of the celebration, the importance is in the cherished relationship with our children and our own mother.
Through divorce, parents often must only see their children part of the week, every other week, sometimes only every other weekend or in long distance situations, every few months. Having to experience limited time may help parents to better plan and prepare for the time that they do have their children. I  nd that children also need help learning how to prepare to change houses and parents, that many parents overlook.
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Here are some ways to make Mother’s Day every day!
♥ The look and the touch! When you can exchange that look of unconditional love with your babe – no matter what buttons they’re pushing for attention – you will feel empowered and loved.
♥ Laugh. Whether you think of a funny story to tell your kids, watch a funny movie together, or see who can draw the funniest picture of the dog, there are so many ways to engage in joy.
♥ Rest. Too often too many moms are trying to do so much at once that family time becomes a lost priority. Schedule do-nothing time for everyone to just be together in a relaxed setting.
♥ Find you. Often the best thing you can do for your children is to take time for you. As a divorced parent this may be a special girls lunch or peaceful bath with great music, or anything that you can’t do with kids around.
Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters • May 2018

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