Page 24 - AreaNewsletters "Aug'18" issue
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“ Thanks for doing so much to help CRCGS spread the word.
We have welcomed a few visitors who heard about us from your newsletter...... that is GREAT!
~ Susan S., Castle Rock Genealogical Society
See what others are saying... here.
Castle Rock Genealogical Society
All regular CRCGS functions occur at the Philip S. Miller Library, 100 S. Wilcox St., Castle Rock, unless otherwise noted in description. To Register, click > >
“Genealogy SHARE” - Mondays – 10:00am to Noon
Are you looking for a place to SHARE research, discoveries, problems, questions, frustrations & SUCCESSES? Others have found this Monday morning gathering an answer might too! Stop by to tell your story, join the conversation, and meet friends who relate! Beginner? Out-of-the-loop researcher? Internet-challenged but curious? Won- dering about DNA? SHARE is the right place for YOU!
“Ask a Genealogist” - Mon’s 6:30-8:30pm / Wed’s – 9am-Noon No appointment, just a chance to say “hello” and talk to a genealo- gist. Follow signs to the “Fireplace Cove” in the library. Have an easy conversation about those puzzling ancestors, with no pressure. Meet with an experienced researcher behind a friendly face, and nd out what you’ve been missing. Sounds perfect, doesn’t it?
- Thursday, August 2, 6:30-8:30 pm
No matter what the commercials tell you, everything is NOT on An- cestry. Even the great isn’t the only place to look. Noel Ferre & Lynnette Pendleton will show us many resources we may have neglected in our pursuit of family history information. Come and learn what you have been missing! Please REGISTER so we can be sure to have seating and handouts for everyone. Go to CRCGS. org to register, and remember to cancel if you can’t make it after all.
“CRCGS Monthly Program” - Saturday, August 18, 6:30-8:30 pm This talk will examine the types of information that can be gleaned from local newspapers – and often no place else. It contains a case study of my experience searching for my 4th great grandfather’s death. I will also talk about locating newspapers both online and on micro lm.
“Pre-K DNA” - Tuesday, August 21, 10am
Terry Hughes presents a basic look at DNA. Is DNA still a bit of a mystery to you? Are you just beginning to understand what it is all about? This is a great beginning to a clear understanding of what DNA testing can and cannot tell us as genealogists. Terry makes it less confusing with her simple examples. Register online.
CRCGS Monthly Program
WhenAll Else Fails, Try the Local Paper
Sat., August 18 • 10:00am
at the Philip S. Miller Library, 100 S. Wilcox St., Castle Rock
Speaker Roger Dudley
Roger Dudley was born and raised in Denver, attended Mesa College in Grand Junction when it was a junior college, Col- oradoStateCollegeinGreeleygraduating after it became the University of Colorado, and got a masters in Library Science from
Emporia University. After a 35-year career in video production he retired from Public Service Company of Colorado and has been a reference librarian and archivist at the Denver Public Library for the past 12 years assisting people with questions about genealogy, house history, general history and anything else that can be imagined. He has written two books – one for his family (Kravig) and one for every genealogist on the planet called In Their Time available as print on demand.
Interested in Membership?
• Individual $30
• Household (2 people) $40 • Youth (under 18) $25
August 2018 • Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters” 24
Everyone is welcome. Stop by!
All programs are FREE!