Page 27 - AreaNewsletters "Jan2023" issue
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Kennedy Insurance Jennifer Mensen-Meyer
B US I N E S S & F I N A N C E
s we head into the New Year, many of us will be thinking about setting goals for 2023. This year I challenge you to set your BHAG. A Big Hairy Audacious Goal is a huge, long-term target or goal that energizes a person or an organization and leads them through a process of transformation.
A great BHAG is as the name suggests:
(B)ig – It’s so big that it’s not something that you can accomplish in a year or three years. It takes time to accomplish something this ambitious.
(H)airy – The idea seems wild and crazy because it’s so forward-looking and so out of the box. It’s something you’ve never done before.
(A)udacious – It should have a gasp factor that makes you sit up and listen when you rst think about or hear it. The next emotion should be that it’s exactly the right idea for your company to pour its heart and soul into.
(G)oal – The BHAG must have a clearly articulated goal (or goals) connected to the company’s strategy, which can bemeasuredsothatsuccesscanbede nedandcelebrated.
Write It Down and look at it every morning. Regularly writingdownyourgoalsandkeepingtrackofyourprogress improves your productivity, which is a key ingredient for goal-success. If you do it daily, the e ect is even stronger. By reviewing your most important goal every single morning, you become highly focused with the end goal always in mind.
Dream Big! Setting a goal this big should be a little scary and at the same time, very exciting. It’s a huge motivator and can keep you on the track for major success.
I wish you all the best in the new year and I wish you success in all you do!
Contact lisa@lisachristiansonphotography. com to set up a time to chat about you or your company’s headshot photo needs.
ABig Hairy Audacious Go By Lisa Christianson, Castle Rock Headshots
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Lisa Christianson Photography Castle Rock Headshots
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located in the heart of downtown Castle Rock 350 Perry Street
Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters” • January 2023