Page 51 - AreaNewsletters "Jun 2022" issue
P. 51

Holcomb Street
Answer to Trivia question: (from the  rst page of this article)
In 1920 Congress ordered Major Stephen H. Long to explore the west to the headwaters of the Platte, Arkansas and Red Rivers. Traveling with him were Samuel Seymour, a landscape artist and Dr. Edwin James, a botanist, geologist and surgeon. On July 10, 1820, the diary of Dr. James read: “One of these singular hills of which artist Seymour has preserved a sketch, was called the “Castle” rock on account of its striking resemblance to a work of art. It has columns and porticos and arches and when you see it from a distance, it has an astonishing regular and arti cial appearance.” ~ Lora Thomas
Cantril came to Colorado in 1862 and to Douglas County a few years later and has made his home here since that time. He counted his friends by the number of acquaintances, and all mourn the passing of this good old friend.”
is in Founder’s Village
near Enderud.
Wallace Holcomb was the Mayor of Castle Rock from 1903-1904. He ran the Holcomb and Whitney Hardware for 15 years (1888-1903). The hardware store had a hall where classes were held after the Castle Rock school burned down.
is a street that
runs o  South Street. The October 17, 1924 edition of
the Record Journal reported that J.B. Memmen was appointed by the Board of County Commissioners at a Special Meeting to replace recently-deceased County Clerk Harry Jones.
Mr. Memmen was selected since a number of his friends had previously written in his name on the primary ballot. Mr. Memmen is described in the article as an old-time resident of Douglas County and at one time served the county as deputy assessor under Gar eld Johnson.
The November 21, 1913 edition of the Record Journal reported the death of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Memmen’s little boy, Henry Elden, who had never been well since the time of his birth three years ago. He was diagnosed with bronchial asthma less than a week before he died. Harry Elden was buried in the Castle Rock Cemetery where his older brother had been laid to rest a few years earlier.
Again, I hope this gives you a greater appreciation of those who lived before us in this beautiful town. l
As always, my special thanks to Joan Gandy and Julia Waters in the Douglas County Library Archives for their assistance in my research!
Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters” • June 2022

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