Page 3 - Research Compliance Welcome Package
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Dear New Member of the Team:
Welcome to research at Baylor Scott & White Health; we’re glad you’re here. At BSWH we uphold the highest level of ethics in research and consider the integrity of the research program essential to our ambition and values. It can be difficult to navigate the responsibilities of your new position, and we want your experience and contribution to be a success.
The Office of Research Compliance is here to help equip and guide you in the ethical conduct of research. Whether you’re new to research or have been working in the field for years, we’ve developed educational tools, tip sheets, and customizable templates to assist in your success. There are a lot of institutional policies, federal regulations, and good clinical practice guidelines to remember, so we integrate them all into the resources we create. We also publish our newsletter, The Compass, packed full of timely content to keep you up to date. Current and previous issues as well as numerous other resources are available on the Research Compliance page of BSWConnect.
As an independent audit function within the Department of Corporate Compliance, we conduct reviews of research throughout the institution and are eager to help you improve your research, but why wait for us to knock at your door? We’re always available to answer questions or offer guidance. If you need anything – no matter how small – give us a call. We look forward to hearing from you.
The Research Compliance Team
Stephanie Worley Research integrity Officer 254.215.9025
Lindsey Estep
Corporate Compliance Consultant 254.215.9028
Jennifer Gibbons-Ramirez Corporate Compliance Consultant 254.215.9027
BSWH Research Compliance | 2401 S. 31st St. | MS-AR-M300 | Temple, TX 76508 254-215-9061 Fax | Research Compliance Office |