Page 1 - Microsoft Word - Letter to Steven King rev2
P. 1

9 Ashbourne House
                                                       Lewes Road
                                                      Ashurst Wood
                                                      East Grinstead
                                                  West Sussex RH19 3TB
                                 Telephone 01342 312050 email:

                                                                                         9  October 20 18

               Dear Mr King,

               Application for Wealden House Sites (DM/18/1548)

               I am concerned that the above application is the opening gambit of an integrated scheme for
               the development of the Wealden House EDF (WH:EDF) and Wealden House Life
               Improvement Centre (WH:LIC) which are “brownfield sites” outside the built-up area. If such
               a scheme were approved, with an estimated 120 units, it would violate the vision of Ashurst
               Wood and breach important policies, among other things, to “retain the distinctiveness and
               character of the village by preserving its historic and environmental features”, to “provide a
               sustainable future” and to “respect the scale and character of existing and surrounding
               buildings”. In short, the integrated development would be a disaster for the village.

               Would you please confirm that:

               a) The Objectively Assessed Need (OAN) for new dwellings in Ashurst Wood – between
                   2015 and 2031 - was agreed by Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) at 62 units:
               b) You are aware of an intention to develop the WH:EDF and WH:LIC as an integrated or
                   linked scheme [see Attachment 1]. This was included, without a word of explanation, in
                   the Design and Access Statement of the current application and implies an estimated 120
                   units at a density of approximately 94 dwellings per hectare (DdHa) [Attachment 2]
                   •   an average of 1.2 DdHa in Category 3 villages, of which Ashurst Wood forms part;

                   •   an average of 3.19 DdHa in Ashurst Wood: indicating that it is already over-
                   •   an average of around 5.45 DdHa for all sites in the Ashurst Wood Neighbourhood
                       Plan (AWNP); excluding the WH sites;

                   •   25 DdHa for all new developments that comply with the National Planning Policy
                       Framework (NPPF) in the UK, including those in city centres and metropolitan areas;
                   •   72.4DdHa for the revised proposal for 58 flats on the WH:EDF site.

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