Page 27 - 77240 Shenandoah Country Club Booklet
P. 27

When ready, hit your shot on the fairway . If you don’t endanger the foursome in front of you, don’t wait for the person who is “away .”
Walk briskly between shots .
When driving a golf cart, drop your playing partner of and go to your ball .
Don’t stop and stand with your playing partners while they hit . Go to your own ball, unless it lies between another player and the hole .
Enforcement – Membership Policing Themselves .
Decide what club you want to use before you get to the ball
When in doubt of what club to hit when leaving the golf cart, take two or three to choose from .
Get up and hit the ball without multiple practice swings .
Be ready to putt when it is your turn . Line and break can be determined while others putt .
Watch the action of other putts to help determine your line and break .
Carry a spare ball in case you need to hit a provisional .
Take no “mulligans” to replay a shot or a putt .
Learn how far you hit the ball with various clubs, and then be realistic about waiting for the group in front of you .
Know the rules and basic etiquette of the game .
Mark the score for the group on the next tee box .
Repair ball marks and divots while waiting for others to play, not when it is your turn . Be aware of routing from the green to next tee, and park the golf cart in that direction .
Stay up with the group in front of you and you’ll have no problems .
4 hours is not fast. It is what’s expected from everyone!

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