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                                                                                             The Jewish Federation

                                                                                                OF SARASOTA-MANATEE

                                                                                                 THE LARRY & MARY GREENSPON
                                                                                                FAMILY CAMPUS FOR JEWISH LIFE

 50  Years  April 2021 - Nisan/Iyar 5781                                                                  Volume 51, Number 4

          INSIDE THIS                     Next year…NOT on Zoom!
                ISSUE:                    By Kim Adler, Federation COO, and Howard Tevlowitz, Federation CEO

        17A  Community Focus                      t Passover each year, we say   vulnerable among us have suffered and   nected, engaged and entertained.  We
                                                                                                                      offered these programs throughout the
                                                  “next year in Jerusalem” as a
                                                                                    As  we mark this anniversary, we
        24A  Jewish Interest              Areminder  of  the  suffering  of     feel it is important to reflect on what   season, including over the summer, a
                                                                                                                      time traditionally  dedicated  to plan-
                                          the past as well as our hopes for our
        30A  Israel & the Jewish World    future. At our Seder tables last year, we   we’ve learned. In a year full of disap-  ning  for the  coming  year.  The  pro-
        35A  Commentary                   are sure many of us also expressed the   pointment, we realized we have much   grams were well attended and attracted
        40A  Focus on Youth               desire  to celebrate  “next  year in  per-  to be grateful for.             audiences from around the country –
                                                                                    Our  staff  and  volunteer  leader-
                                          son!” For many of us, this year we may
                                                                                                                      over 3,000 individual participants. We
        43A  Life Cycle                   still  be marking this important  (and   ship made quick decisions to provide   continue to receive positive messages
           1B  Jewish Happenings          delicious) holiday with our family and   high-quality  virtual  programming  in   from participants who have been so
                                                                                an effort to keep our community con-
                                          friends in a virtual environment.
                                                                                                                      grateful for these opportunities to learn
                                              This has been a year like no other.                                                  and connect with other
                                          We  had  to  abandon  our  offices  and                                                  Jews.
                                          turn our condos and houses into home                                                         We hired a talented
                                          offices. We learned to rely heavily on                                                   new Jewish Commu-
                                          Zoom and FaceTime  to connect  with                                                      nity Security  Director,
                                          relatives.  We have been unable to                                                       Jeff Solomon, who was
                                 3A       celebrate  family graduations, births,                                                   able to get right to work
                                                                                                                                   on assessing the securi-
                                          weddings, b’nai mitzvah and holidays,
      The new Jules and Carol B.          and we have watched our children and                                                     ty landscape of our ar-
      Green FIBA (Florida Israel          grandchildren  miss out on too many                                                      ea’s Jewish institutions.
      Business Accelerator) Center        major  milestones.  Many have lost                                                       He has spent the last six
                                          loved  ones,  and  others  longed  to  just                                              months finalizing those
                                          hug or kiss those we cherish in our           Randon Carvel with Mary and Larry Greenspon    assessments, providing
                                          lives. And we have watched as the most    at Federation’s JFED PROUD & STRONG groundbreaking  continued on page 2A

                                          Over $20 million raised

                                18A       for our community’s future

      Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz              By Gisele Pintchuck, LIFE & LEGACY  Director
      shared the story of Esther                   ixing vision, persistence and   program is to build a culture of philan-  opportunity came our way, it was too
      using lots of candy                          a touch of out-of-the-box    thropy within Jewish organizations to   good to pass up,” said Patti Wertheimer,
                                          Mthinking,  The Jewish Fed-           help secure the future of Jewish com-  Federation President during the launch
                                          eration  of  Sarasota-Manatee  knows   munities for generations to come. This   of  the  program  in  Sarasota-Manatee
                                          the recipe for sustaining a successful   struck a chord with Howard Tevlowitz,   in late  2016. “Competition  for lega-
                                          community:  the LIFE & LEGACY         Federation CEO, and led him to make   cy gifts was  a major concern at first.
                                          program.                              the investment to establish and perpetu-  But, truthfully, not one of the organiza-
                                              LIFE & LEGACY was the vision      ate a culture of philanthropy in our area.  tions we approached had a successful
                                22A       of Massachusetts philanthropist Har-      “For  years,  our  Federation  has   endowment team in progress. Thanks
                                          old Grinspoon, who has dedicated his   tried  to  encourage  sustainability  and   to the persistence and team efforts of
      Falafel kiosk at Chabad of          life to creating opportunities to provide   continuity  for our local  Jewish orga-  Howard, Steve Seidensticker (of bless-
      Sarasota, Monday to Thursday,       strength and continuity of Jewish life   nizations. We were looking for a game   ed memory) and  Al Ernst, we were
      11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.             across the U.S. and Canada. In a nut-  changer, and when the Harold Grin-   able to get enough synagogues and
                                          shell, the goal of the LIFE & LEGACY   spoon Foundation’s LIFE & LEGACY                   continued on page 3A

      A publication of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
      The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life   NON-PROFIT ORG.     WE HELP FAMILIES FIND SENIOR LIVING OPTIONS
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