Page 1 - Jewish News_February 2020
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Celebrating Jewish Life in Sarasota and Manatee Counties, Israel and the World

                                                                                                                    PUBLISHED  B Y
                                   Celebrating        Years                                                    The Jewish


                                                                                                                OF SARASOTA-MANATEE

                                                                                                             THE LARRY & MARY GREENSPON
                                                                                                            FAMILY CAMPUS FOR JEWISH LIFE

      February 2020 - Shevat/Adar 5780              Volume 50, Number 2

           THIS ISSUE:                                          

       13A  Community Focus                                                    A Sneak Peek at
       22A  Jewish Interest                       The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family

       28A  Israel & the Jewish World
       33A  Commentary                                            Campus for Jewish Life

       36A  Focus on Youth
       39A  Life Cycle

          1B  Jewish Happenings                                                                 

      Lakewood Ranch Newcomers 


      Bobbi and Don Bernstein:
      A philosophy of giving where
      you live

      Federation’s Bradenton/
                                                    By Howard Tevlowitz,
      Event a success!                              Chief Executive Officer
                                                          he re-imagined Larry & Mary                                                                 
                                                          Greenspon Family Campus for
                                                    T Jewish Life will provide the space
                                                    for new, innovative and forward-thinking
                                                    programs to ensure continuity and ongoing
                                                    strong engagement at all stages of life.
                                                        With the expansion of the Performing
                                 8A                 Arts Center and the addition of the Hershor-

      MoMENtum: Dads experience                     in Schiff Community Day School, which
      Israel while learning about                   will move onto the campus in June of 2021,
                                                    we will be able to provide access points for
      themselves                                    the community across the age spectrum.         THE EPSTEIN FAMILY  |   CHUPPAH
                                                    Based on the roadmap provided by the 2019
                                                    Jewish Community Study, our campus lead-
                                                    ership is now hard at work looking at best
                                                    practices to incorporate on our campus.
                                                        The design of the spaces for the new
                                                    campus is also well underway.  Just im-
                                18A                 agine what we can create using these spac-
                                                    es that are pictured here!
      9th Annual A Taste of Chanukah                     We are JFED PROUD & STRONG!
      Festival illuminates the spirit                               (continued on page 2A)                                                                           
      and soul of our community                                                                    THE MITCHELL FAMILY  |   RECEPTION HALL


      Home Depot / PJ Library
      Menorah Building Workshop                  THE ROBERT AND ESTHER HELLER  |                                           
      a huge hit for families                    ISRAEL CENTER                                     THE BEATRICE FRIEDMAN  |   THEATER

      A publication of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                                                                                        ▼ Fine
      The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life   NON-PROFIT ORG.   t Fine                                            ▼ Watch
                                                                                                                                       t Watch
      Klingenstein Jewish Center, 580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232  U.S. POSTAGE      Jewelry                                      Battery
      Annual voluntary subscription: $25                          PAID                 Jewelry                                         & Bands
                                                                                                                                          & Bands
                                                                                        ▼ Expert
                                                               MANASOTA FL         t Expert                                          ▼ Pearl
                                                                                                                                       t Pearl
                                                                PERMIT 167             Repairs                                         Re-string
                                                                                   t Jewelry                                               Re-string
                                                                                        ▼ Jewelry
                                                                                       Appraisals                                      t Buying Gold
                                                                                             Located in Lakewood Ranch
                                                                                               Located in Lakewood Ranch
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