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Hope & Care
With the purchase of annual vaccinations*
Includes Heartworm
and Fecal Test
Must present this coupon to receive offer. Expires 12/31/19 Must purchase Annual Vaccines at the price
of $119.99 plus $5.99 OSHA fee.
$25 OFF
Any Surgery or X-Ray
Dog or cat must be updated with their vaccines & heartworm test. Must present this coupon to receive offer. Expires 12/31/19
Flea & Heartworm Preventive Medicine
Must present this coupon to receive offer. Expires 12/31/19
$5 OFF
Any Medicated Shampoo or Spray
Must present this coupon to receive offer. Expires 12/31/19
Annual Vaccines $6999 Puppy & Kitten $4999
*Must present this coupon to receive offer. Expires 12/31/19 Price does not include exam and
requires additional OSHA charge of $5.99.
Animal Hospital 727.754.8011
Emergency Line 727.560.6555
Four Stages of Periodontal Disease
You provide the love, We’ll provide the care.
Michael Adams, D.V.M
764 N. Belcher Rd., Clearwater, FL 33765
Dental Cleanings*
Cats and Small Dogs (up to 15 lbs.) $185
Medium Sized Dogs (16-30 lbs) $199
Large Sized Dogs (31-60 lbs.) $225 *Animal must be up to date on all vaccines and recently tested for heartworm (add-on test $15).
Price does not include pain and antibiotic injections or take-home medicine.
Monday-Friday, 8am-6:30pm, Saturday 8am-2pm, Closed Sunday
Offers cannot be combined. The client and another person responsible for payments has the right to refuse to pay, cancel payments, or be reimbursed for a payment, service, examination or treatment which is performed within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement used for free, discounted or reduced fee service. $5.99 Occupational Hazard fee applied to most services.
© 2019 Response Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Issue 325 Savers Digest Advertising: 1-800-934-4378

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