Page 91 - ITO 2.0 no cover
P. 91
“I love to allow my creative side time to express itself .. but sometimes I don’t have time for that .. I just need a paint by numbers template to take and run with so I can kick start my results.”
There really is no magic ingredient to powerfully persuasive presentations besides persistence. If someone tells you what really works well, then of course, you can save an awful lot of time. But even if they do not, you would eventually work out for yourself what works and what does not through trial and error. As an adaptive being, if you presented over and over again, you would get better.
In reality most people would give up long before then because without hope through example they would mistakenly think they could never get there. We have laid out the steps to show you how you can make enormous savings in time in getting really very good. The one thing we cannot do for you, however, is prepare, practice and persist.
This last piece of the puzzle you must do for yourself. If you put in as much time and effort as the people you admire, you will find that you get similar results. As you watch their presentations, think about how many hours have been spent to create the experience you enjoy?
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