Page 88 - MSC-Corporate Speaking 2
P. 88

       THE POWER OF PERSONAL ILLUSTRATIONS AND EXAMPLES “The shortest distance between a human being and the truth is a story.”
– Anthony de Mello
When you watch the best speakers, presenters and communicators in the world, almost without exception, they all have one very important thing in common: they all use examples to help their audience understand and fully grasp the concepts that they are explaining.
Very often this takes the form of stories about the experiences of their own lives. There are several very important reasons that great communicators do this.
First of all, and most importantly, effective communicators use stories because they work!
Secondly, sharing a personal story of what you’ve learned from experience helps your audience connect with you as a human being. There is a fellowship in this type of shared experience.
Thirdly, stories are very often more interesting.
Fourthly, stories are often emotionally entertaining which creates additional bonding between story teller and audience by nature of the shared emotional experience the story creates.
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