Page 1 - Swipe Access Card 3 Roda
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Contactless Smart Credential
with On-Card Fingerprint Technology

Swipe Access Card

Secure! Fast! Easy!

The Swipe Access Card provides contactless
biometric credential and enables you to upgrade your security to
biometric authentication without upgrading a single reader.

The Swipe Access Card is fully compatible with Proximity,
NFC, ISO 14443 and ISO 15693 based access control systems, no external
database is required. Only the card owner can activate the credential.

Proven & Reliable Technology       Programmable
Delivers consistent and accurate   Card can be programmed or
fingerprint reads within one       formatted meet your
second.                            requirements.
Unique to the user, only the card  Cost-Effective
owner can activate card            On-card authentication provides
communication with the reader.     easy path to upgrade security
Safe                               without upgrading readers.
Biometric data is stored on the
card, eliminating the need to      Durable
manage and secure an external      Strong and resistant to
database.                          cracking or breaking.

Tre Röda AB          556705-5750        tel: 08-560 200 22
Gullbergbyvägen 6 SE556705575001  mobil: 070-560 63 63
762 93 RIMBO                                          Bankgiro: 5375-7738
SWEDEN                        PlusGiro: 48 16 96-3
                            Godkänd för F-skatt
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