Page 3 - Uhuru Tribe eNewletter: Edition 5 - 13th May 2019
P. 3

Uhuru has been very creaLve in meeLng the demands and needs of our people since our incepLon and we are intending to stay in the posiLon of meeLng our members’ and customers’ demands.
There are currently over 2,169 Crypto Currencies that we are aware of and this list is sLll growing conLnuously. Some of these coins or tokens has grown over 300% this last week in value while some others have dropped in price with over 50%. This means if you happen to have a porUolio with the best of these in the basket your porUolio value in Crypto should grow exponenLally and it should be a great part of your wealth creaLon.
Just as the stock exchanges has their Top 10 or Top 40 shares, we have decided to put a porUolio together that will change on a weekly basis with the top 10 Coins in Value and growth to assure a very stable porUolio with a very posiLve growth.
We will call it the Uhuru Top-10 and we are busy pueng this together for those who wants to own Cryptos but do not know which coins to buy and which ones to sell in order to have a wealth creaLon porUolio.
If you are interested in this product, please go to our Facebook page by clicking here and compleLng the poll about The Uhuru Top-10.

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