Page 9 - Uhuru Tribe eNewletter: Edition 5 - 13th May 2019
P. 9

 There are some things we have all learned out of this experience of which the most important are:
1. BTC has come to stay and has now shown beyond any doubt that it is indeed a STORE of VALUE and just as property prices go up and down, aler a while it recovers and stabilises again
2. BTC recovers much faster than any other STORE of VALUE, no ma=er how low its market price goes
3.InvesLng in Crypto for the long haul is a sure win and definitely something to invest in.
4.PATIENCE is not only a Virtue – it is also a HUGE REWARDER!! A MUST READ
 “There is a natural human tendency to
 dislike a person who brings us
 unpleasant informaLon, even when that
 person did not cause the bad news. The
 simple associaLon with it is enough to
 sLmulate our dislike.”
 “Persons who go through a great deal of
 trouble or pain to a5ain something tend to
 value it more highly than persons who
 a5ain the same thing with a minimum of
 ― Robert B. Cialdini, Influence: The
 Psychology of Persuasion

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