Page 10 - Uhuru Tribe eNewletter - 20th May 2019 - 6th Edition
P. 10
IT DOES NOT MEAN WE WILL TAKE YOU OFF THE SYSTEM!! It only means, HIT THE RENEW BUTTON AND KEEP IT ON UNTIL you have reached the required level and you have no problem. It also means that we will not take in new investors aZer 4 June who wants to invest less than UHC 250 on that specific pla^orm. It also means it should not affect anybody currently in the system in any nega3ve way. That way all current investors are accommodated as well as the so called rich. By the way if we were catering for the rich only our minimum trade amount would have been at least R100,000.
The fact that we are accused of changing the rules too oZen is explained right through this weeks’ edi3on. Uhuru grows at a very fast speed and as we grow, we see needs and/or loopholes within the sytem, which if not addressed in 3me can have serious nega3ve effects on the eco system and therefore for our broader partner base.
Let us give you an example: When you do trading, you keep as much funds on your trading pla^orm as possible. `Can you imagine the schlep, costs and 3me lost if we have to draw all the funds every week, pay out the claims and put all the money back with the broker. The trader must than look for new investment opportuni3es and although he got the funds on say Monday, the first real opportunity only turns up on Tuesday. On Friday he must sell all in order to pay out, EVEN if there is a trade is going down and by hanging on to it you can turn it into a profit. We will lose more money that way than ever making money. We have never thought that our por^olio will grow at the speed it did and we are now sipng with the challenge that we cannot make short no3ce refunds as some of the
funds are in trade over the period that you might need your funds. We have therefore now installed a new rule that if you want to make a withdrawal bigger than UHC 10,000 or say R150,000 on a Saturday, just please give us a 10-day no3ce period. That is in order for the trader not to re-commit that funds when it comes loose in order to give you your funds back and not to make too much damage to the overall investment of the whole group. That is a rule that you might not like, if you would need your funds urgently, but on the others side, you will appreciate it if a sudden withdrawal will nega3vely affect your part of the investment. RULES are not there to curb you or strangle you, it is for the benefit of the community and in our case: The whole Uhuru Tribe! As our weekly turnover increases, we can and will raise that figure for the benefit of our investor on a regular basis. “Another RULE Change again?” you might ask. YES – because why not if we can keep our customers happy?
“I’d rather welcome change than cling to the past.”
― Robert T. Kiyosaki, Rich Dad, Poor Dad