Page 13 - Uhuru Tribe eNewletter - 20th May 2019 - 6th Edition
P. 13

 a book with a typewriter, sending a handwri*en le*er by post or running to the library to look up for some informa3on, or pulling off the road to look for direc3ons in a map, while it is all in the palm of your hand?
All these changes were predominantly made possible through the computer chip and its usage. Now, we have blockchain and with that comes ar3ficial intelligence where the PC will now do the design and planning. If you thought the internet has brought lots of changes than take note: The blockchain will revolu3onise our lives a million 3mes faster and in ways we could never ever imagine. Many kinds of jobs will become obsolete and new ones will be created, which we at this stage can’t even imagine. Just as the internet has nearly made the post office dis3nguished, so banks will have to either adapt or die and will no longer do business the way we know them today.
With all these changes we will have to accept that things and ways of doing things will change constantly and the only way to survive will be to accept that and to become a CHANGER YOURSELF! Changing for the sake of changing is NOT the answer, neither is it what the author of this ar3cle insinuates or promotes. What is important is that you accept that change will take place, that it will take place much faster than what you would expect and that it would not always be the way you would like it: ONE THING IS AN ABSOLUTE SURETY!! CHANGE on a constant basis.
Uhuru Tribe has acknowledged that and we will accept that we have to change in order to make use of the latest and best technology, systems and norms that WORK! It will from 3me to 3me upset
our partners or at least some of our partners, but we have not much of a choice if we want to be the trend se*ers and the ones taking ini3a3ve. In order to remain current, making progress, especially when it comes to the latest Crypto ini3a3ves and way of thinking, WE HAVE TO make sure we know what is happening in the markets, where we are going and how to follow and/or lead. We WILL HAVE TO MAKE CHANGES from 3me to 3me. Uhuru Tribe will never make changes for the sake of changing and that be the new “IN-Thing”, but we will apply change when and how it deems necessary and if we make mistakes in the implementa3on of these changes, please bear with us, BECAUSE NO CHANGE has to be permanent!
Many of you will be too young to remember but there was a stage when there was a war between VHS and Betacam video machines. In certain parts of the world the Betacam machines were more in demand and then you had certain parts of the world that adopted the more inferior picture quality of VHS. We in southern Africa were part of the la*er. In the end it seemed as if Betacam were the losers because of our perspec3ve as most had VHS in Southern Africa. It would have been a wrong choice to follow the Betacam system because all videos in our markets were VHS. Who won in the end? NONE! The reason: we have moved on from Videos to YouTube and MP4 etc.
Let’s accept that change is for real, make the best of it and embrace it when it knocks on the door. We can invite it in, but don’t have to adopt it unless we are convinced it is for the be*er. However, don’t just resist CHANGE because it is UNKNOWN and you don’t understand it!

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