Page 2 - Uhuru Tribe eNewletter - 20th May 2019 - 6th Edition
P. 2

     Dear Tribe
Our FX Trade has grown beyond our wildest dreams and so does the Founders Collec9on also ge:ng a;en9on like never before.

With this in mind, we have now no other choice than to allow the business of supply and demand to go it’s course and the 9me where we told you that the UHC cannot forever be held back has arrived. From now on the price of UHC will be determined by the supply of UHC we have in correla9on with the demand for it. If nothing changes by Wednesday when this will be implemented, then it means the price of UHC will rise immediately with 0,05 cents form its current price. Where you have in the past paid R14.30 for a UHC and received R13.70 you will now pay R14.35 and receive R13.75. This price will fluctuate daily depending on the demand of the coin which we will watch very closely and update our website at least twice a day with the price. 

At the current rate of our growth we believe that the UHC price will consistently grow over the
longer term. JUST TAKE into considera9on that when everybody withdraws funds that the price will drop as your supply of UHC increases. When people buy in, the price will escalate as the demand grows. Something to take into considera9on when you make a deposit or withdrawal. HOWEVER, from now on you will also know in advance what you get or have to transfer when you make a withdrawal or deposit as the figures will be displayed on the applicable pages.
We are aware that most people ALWAYS resist CHANGE!! However, we have made lots of changes over the past year as we grew and that means:

Uhuru Tribe is like a living organism that adapts and changes to the circumstances and needs of our people and what the situa9on demands
We can only improve as we keep methods and systems proven to work in place and adopt new methods where the old become redundant
We can make life so much easier for all our people and effect their lifestyles in a posi9ve way when we are willing to adapt when the demand for change is there
We have made mistakes, but we could always rec9fy them and in the end our people benefited tremendously from what we learned or from the change
HOW will you EVER experience something be;er if you don’t take the change of exploring it? Let’s accept that change is not always bad and as the Internet has changed our lives for the good, so will blockchain and even some changes at Uhuru Tribe!
This edi9on is full of news regarding change – please read and explore with an open mind and heart!
Let’s join forces and create an entrepreneur in every household in Africa!

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