Page 10 - Uhuru Tribe eNewletter Edition 3 - 28 April 2019
P. 10
Why would anybody in his right mind parEcipate in the Founders Package if it only pays out 6 monthly and I don’t really understand it? If that is your quesEon, then please read on as the above IS NOT TRUE!
The Founders Package immediately invests 25% of your total parEcipaEon in Fraxions. That means from the 10th day aFer you signed up, you parEcipate every single day in the profits that the Fraxions pay out. This means you parEcipate in the daily pay-outs, weekly pool pay-outs as well as the compound amount which pays out on expiry date which should be much more than your original amount in the Fraxions. This means that the returns on your Fraxions alone will be much more than your total investment in the Founders Package.
On top of this you receive a cerEficate for double the amount of UHC that remains aFer the iniEal Fraxion amount is deducted from your investment. This means for every UHC 1,000 you get 5 Fraxions (Value: UHC 250) and then a CerEficate that releases UHC 1,500 over 6 instalments concurrently with the running Eme of the Fraxions. Besides the fact that you can at any Eme sell this CerEficate for any amount to any other member, you can also increase your store of value tremendously.
Only 1 million coins are currently in use and when we release the next batch, ALL FOUNDER PACKAGE holders will have the FIRST right to take up more coins in the second ediEon.
We have broken away from the US Dollar and as the demand for UHC grows exponenEally your UHC which you received will have increased much more in value than now.
At the current rate of demand for UHC the UHC is worth R14.00. UnEl the next issuing of coins we only have 1,000,000 UHC coins, while our por=olio grows at about R500,000 per week. That means within the next 2 months there will be more demand for the coins than the supply and if you don’t have an UHC you will start to pay more for it to get it. That means if we need 15 million to do our transacEons, and we only have 1 million coins the value of a coin will be worth R15.00. That is an increase in value of 7%. The reality is that at the rate we grow currently we have calculated that it will be much faster than what we indicate here and the growth rate as indicated on the Founders Package is far to small. As a maQer of fact, we can see that the UHC Price might start to grow by at least 10c – 15c per week as from next week.
So, why wait? Get NOW involved and buy your founders package.