Page 2 - Uhuru Tribe eNewletter: Edition 8 - 3rd June 2019
P. 2
Dear Tribe,
Uhuru Tribe has had so many highs and lows that it must have felt like a roller coaster ride for some. On the other hand, we have experienced so much growth, that the demand for secure systems, con?nua?on planning and accountability has also grown. It has increased so much, that we have had to involve the assistance of very capable auditors and legal planners, to maintain services to our partners. This has brought about new demands and requirements that we have to comply with, which in turn demands new changes.
What many people do not understand is that in order for us to keep on delivering the services we do, as well as comply to the norms of the country we operate from; we need to adhere to the requirements set by that country. As we are NOT a registered financial service provider and only with Crypto Currencies and inves?ng in it, we have opted not to register a company for these purposes, but rather a “STOKVEL”. In other words, an ins?tu?on that operates very similar to a co-opera?on. That is an en?ty that is organised to do a specific task or service for all its members, that can then also render similar services for others who are not members. However, should you do more business with the Non-Members than the members, you have a serious challenge to explain why you do more business with non- members. At Uhuru Tribe, our membership has grown extensively over the last few months, however, the bulk of our business is s?ll going to non-members. We implemented our services at a more expensive rate than for our members and thought that the non-members would see the advantage of being a member and therefore join. This has not had the desired effect, and we are now forced to make enough remedial steps to rec?fy it. In the light of the above we have no
other choice than to adopt new price structures for non-members as well as change the structure in such a way that all our members will benefit by it. All these and more are fully discussed and explained in the rest of this edi?on. PLEASE make sure you familiarize yourself with it.
We have also had to changed the whole system to run ONLY on UHC as from today. We trust you will not only see all the benefits we offer you, but EXPERIENCE it as well. We are confident that you will feel the power of wealth crea?on in your own pockets.
The ?me for Crypto has come and therefore our ?me. We firmly believe that the only real stores of value in a crippling financial disasterous world will be GOLD, SILVER and CRYPTO. We as Uhuru are going to play a major role in crea?ng wealth for our people. We will celebrate it in September this year! Watch this space for more info soon.
Let’s join forces and create an entrepreneur in every household in Africa!