Page 32 - Climate Control News Magazine Feb 2019
P. 32
Indoor Air Quality
MHIAA wins best brand of air conditioner
LEFT: The popular Avanti unit isn’t just about reliability, it also boasts a stylish design.
“Against tough competition, we scored a Best Brand score of 79% and a satisfaction rating of 91% with a high reliability rating of 88%,” Brown said.
“This talks to high performance, quality, ex- ceeding customer expectations and ultimately improving lives”.
In addition to this, MHIAA has licenced three CHOICE recommended products in the small, medium and large capacity categories in October 2018 for its Bronte SRK71ZRA-W and Avanti PLUS SRK25ZSXA-W and SRK50ZSXA-W units.
“At MHIAA we pride ourselves on global re- search and development. Our products are de- signed and engineered in-line with local and international standards while keeping the Australian consumer needs top-of-mind,” Brown said.
“We believe in creating long-lasting relation- ships with our customers and in walking this exciting journey with them – from find- ing the perfect AC solution right through to installation and after
sales services.”
“We would like to thank CHOICE
and the Australian consumers for this esteemed recognition. It is an honour and it further validates our
commitment to our customers.”
STANDING TALL AGAINST the ‘best of the best’, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air-Condi- tioners Australia (MHIAA) has been selected by CHOICE as the Best Brand of Air Condition- ers for 2018.
The highly regarded stamp of approval by Aus- tralia’s Consumer Group CHOICE is based on test reviews of 140 split-system air conditioners and 7738 respondents in the annual reliability and sat- isfaction survey completed by CHOICE annually. Furthermore, the findings are weighted on brand reliability, overall average test score, recommen- dation ratios and overall customer satisfaction.
According to CHOICE, air conditioners are re- viewed twice a year – in May and October re- spectively, to ensure the most accurate results for both the winter and summer seasons.
Data is then cross-checked against the Government registration data- baseforcompleteaccuracy.
Adrian Brown, national sales and planning manager for MHI- AA said that receiving the Best Brand recognition by CHOICE ce- ments its commitment to quality, technology and customer service.
A world first in airtightness testing
VIPAC ENGINEERS & Scientists have estab- lished the world’s first NATA accredited testing ser- vices for measuring the air tightness of buildings.
Airtightness of buildings contributes to envi- ronmental efficiencies in buildings, ensuring as- sets are ‘future ready’ and the Green Star’s sus- tainability benchmarks are met.
The recently acquired accolade verifies Vipac’s technical expertise in being able to carry out thorough testing of the air tightness of build- ings. Vipac is the only provider that can offer cli- ents NATA endorsed industry test reports.
With the upcoming new National Construc- tion Code (NCC) and the increasing emphasis on energy conservation of buildings there is a grow- ing need for air tightness testing.
Airtight buildings help combat draughty con- ditions, occupant discomfort, poor sound pro- tection, faulty ventilation systems and building inefficiencies. Well sealed buildings use less en-
ergy to heat and cool, thereby achieving both thermal and energy efficiencies.
Being NATA accredited, Vipac is well posi- tioned to act as an air tightness consultant and service this growing demand.
Vipac can conduct on-site testing through- out the various stages of construc-
tion of a building as well as upon
final completion.
neering experts have worked on numerous com- mercial, residential and industrial-type air per- meabilityprojects,nationallyandinternationally.
The NATA accreditation is another tick in the right direction for Vipac and its testing capabilities.
Vipac are ATTMA (The Air Tightness Testing & Measurement Association) and AIVAA (Air Infil- tration and Ventilation Associa- tion of Australia) testing mem- bers. Test results can be used towards the Green Star rating sys- tem or to prove compliance with the verification method JV4 or Sec- tion J of the NCC.
For over a decade, Vipac’s engi-
Airtightness testing with additional testing of fire/smoke control zones.