Page 10 - Climate Control News magazine March 2023
P. 10

 Ozone recovery on track to recover
 THE OZONE LAYER is on track to recover within four decades and Australia’s climate control sector has helped to make the recovery possible.
The UN-backed Scientific Assessment Panel to the Montreal Protocol on Ozone Depleting Substances, has delivered the good news for the planet in its four-yearly assessment report, which confirms the phase out of nearly 99 per cent of banned ozone-depleting substances.
It expects the ozone layer to recover to 1980 values (before the appearance of the ozone hole) by around 2066 over the Antarctic, by 2045 over the Arctic and by 2040 for the rest of the world.
Australian Refrigeration Council chief
executive officer Glenn Evans said the recovery of the ozone layer was a credit to the global climate con- trol industry, and especially to Australia’s 125,000 licensed climate control technicians and businesses.
“The Montreal Protocol came
into force in 1989, and Australia has
been in the forefront of applying it
to the real world in refrigeration and air condi- tioning licensing,” he said.
“Our ARCtick licensing scheme operates under the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Regulations
LEFT: ARC CEO, Glenn Evans.
1995, and results such as the ozone layer recovery are the living proof of its value.
“Licensed technicians play a crucial role in protecting the envi- ronment from ozone depleting substances and synthetic green-
house gases in refrigeration equipment.
“Since its inception, the licensing scheme has delivered more than 25 megatonnes of CO2 equivalent direct emissions savings – a massive contribution to the future health of the planet.”
 Body to promote green infrastructure
A NEW PEAK body has been formed to bring government, industry and researchers together to facilitate the scalable adoption of green infra- structure such as green roofs, walls and facades in Australia and New Zealand.
The Australasian Green Infrastructure Network, also known as AGIN will promote healthier, live- able, climate resilient communities through the uptake of green infrastructure.
Research proves that urban green infrastructure, or nature-based
solutions, can benefit cities in multiple ways including: Reducing heat and surface tempera- tures; Improving air quality by removing harm- ful pollutants; Enhancing biodiversity; Reducing noise; Absorbing stormwater runoff
which reduces flash flooding and pollutants entering our waterways; Advancing health and wellbeing.
AGIN co-founder Ben Nicholson, said the new body will provide a platform for urban greeners who want to make a difference and create positive change.
“There is so much amazing work being done by people in government departments, at universities and in the green infrastruc- ture industry, but it lacks an active central body to coordinate and drive further change." he said.
Nicholson, together with AGIN co-founder Gail Hall, have been instrumental in already driving positive change in the industry.
Hall developed the Growing Green Guide and green policy including the creation of the Green Factor Tool, an intuitive web-based tool designed for the City of Melbourne to bench-
mark building scale green infrastruc- ture, whilst Nicholson has contributed to greening Melbourne’s Laneways and providing technical expertise on constructing green roofs, walls and facades.
Jess Miller, former deputy lord mayor of Sydney and founder of Greener Spaces, Better Places said the future liveability of our cities depends on the creativity, expertise and collaborative efforts of profes- sionals who understand living systems.
AGIN is planning to convene its inaugural AGM mid-year.
LEFT: The new body will provide a platform for urban greeners
ABOVE LEFT: Jess Miller, founder of Greener Spaces, Better Places.

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