Page 21 - Climate Control News Magazine August 2019
P. 21

Indoor Air Quality
The residential construction industry has assumed that sustainability is a cost burden rather than a market opportunity.
Australian consumers want sustainable homes – they just don’t use the word ‘sustainability’ when describing their desires.
Combining the latest research into air quality, thermal and acoustic comfort and lighting, the World Green Building Council has launched a new guide to creating healthier buildings.
It features simple, low-cost and practical strategies for building owners and occupiers to improve the quality of the air we breathe for good health and well being.
More than half of the body’s air intake during a lifetime is inhaled in homes and buildings.
Council CEO, Cristina Gamboa, said industry must look at ways to make buildings and homes good for human health as well as beneficial to the environment.
“Our key message is that homes and buildings across the world must be sustainable for people and planet. By publishing this guide, we hope this information will empower homeowners and occupiers to invest in a healthier home,” she said.
The guide recommends action to making a home healthier such as:
• Ventilate your home to clear away the
hidden indoor toxins and bring fresh and
clean air into your home
• Invest in insulation to boost energy
efficiency, thermal comfort, less noise and
lower energy bills
• Maximise the use of daylight and be
efficient with lighting to lower carbon emissions, reduce energy costs and unlock health benefits.
and timelines, which limit their ability to inno- vate on individual homes.”
Currently, consumers have limited choices, while the residential construction industry has assumed that sustainability is a cost burden rather than a market opportunity. This is unfor- tunate, because the report found that a growing market for sustainable housing has the potential to stimulate jobs and economic growth.
Research undertaken by the Housing In- dustry Association found that every $1 mil- lion of construction output creates nine con- struction jobs, seven additional jobs in the supply chain, and $2.9 million in economic value across the economy.
To implement the roadmap for sustainable homes the report recommends a national ap- proach by government working in partnership with Australia's property and construction industry.
It supports the creation of benchmarks for sus- tainable homes along with a certification pro- gram and training for the home building sector.
The report also recommends a 1,000 home pilot program that incentivises volume builders to de- liver sustainable homes. The results of the pilot program would be used to validate the sustaina- ble home standard and support accreditation.
It would require a consumer engagement campaign and support from the finance indus- try to embed sustainability into property valua- tion methods and deliver lower cost finance for high performing homes.
ASBEC executive director, Suzanne Toumbour- ou, said some Australian home builders are al- ready striving to move beyond minimum require-
ments by incorporating energy efficient designs and technology innovations into new homes.
“However, these builders lack scale and face significant barriers,” she said.
Consumers are unclear of their choices. Home builders are locked into business models and supply chains that limit innovation. And financi- ers don’t value sustainable homes.”
Describing the roadmap as a 'golden opportu- nity' Toumbourou said with the right incentives and support, the transition to sustainable homes
can create a win outcome for builders, consum- ers, the economy and the environment.
CRC for Low Carbon Living CEO, Deo Prasad, said Australians want homes that are comforta- ble, healthy and affordable – all things that a sus- tainable home can deliver.
“We have the skills, knowledge and technolo- gies at our disposal. Now we must create the right policies and incentives to help Australian home builders deliver the benefits of sustainable homes,” he said.

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