Page 30 - Ragtrader Magazine April 2020
P. 30

   Meet the team:
  Hannah Culshaw,
Aura Studios founder.
Daily role:
As Aura Studios designer and creator, my day- to-day role involves a wide range of tasks, from designing and experimenting through drape, patternmaking and sketching, to sample mak- ing to test ideas. Aura Studios focuses on craftsmanship and the value of the handmade, therefore my day also includes a lot of hands- on work, from natural dyeing with indigo, crafting with silver to form the jewellery or completing intricate patternmaking in order to challenge traditional patternmaking. To share my story and show my process I will also work on the marketing and website through- out the day.
Proudest career moment:
There have been a few proud moments so far. For 2019, I was lucky enough to be chosen for the National Graduate Showcase at Melbourne Fashion Festival which was an amazing experi-
ence. Launching my brand Aura Studios in August 2019 was also a great
  Aura Studios.

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