Page 44 - Packaging News magazine March_April 2023
P. 44

                 Turnkey solutions are the future
the deployment of more flexible models of production. This is largely due to the fact that traditional industrial robots are typically large and fixed, and entail complex deployment.
In contrast, cobots can perform a similar range of activities to tradi- tional industrial robots but are smaller, lighter, and much easier to deploy. They are designed to work alongside humans so pose less risk to safety and are better suited to environments that require flexibility and adaptability. In addition, they present a cost-effec- tive solution for businesses looking to deploy automation – a key consider- ation as we move into 2023.
The cobot industry is projected to grow to USD 2.2 billion by 2026 ( as per The Collaborative Robot Market 2022 Report, by Interact Analysis). Cobots will continue to change the way work is done in applications such as packing, palletising, welding and assembly, and this year we will see even larger com- panies turning to lightweight cobots to increase modularity in their produc- tion. Robot weight and versatility will be key specifications for those seeking out new automation solutions, and we will see more reconfigurable robotic work cells than ever before.
While more companies will move towards cobot automation, many will require bots that can handle heavy payloads. The good news is that we have recently seen the introduction of several higher pay- load, longer reach cobots. In 2023, these will continue to transform parts of the manufacturing industry, improving the working lives of many employees.
Last year, Universal Robots presented a new cobot, the UR20, which is built for higher payloads and faster speeds and delivers superior motion control – all within a lightweight, small footprint system. The 20kg payload capacity will transform industries by enhancing activities such as palletising, while its 1750 mm reach is eagerly anticipated for use in welding. Manufacturers look- ing for extra flexibility will find the robot light enough to be unbolted and relocated or attached to a heavy base with wheels. This will create new pos- sibilities for various applications and will drive innovation across the board. The UR20 will be delivered to custom- ers in 2023.
With rapid workplace transformation evident across industries, whether that’s moving to hybrid working or adopting new technologies, what can we expect from 2023? Anders Beck, VP strategy and innovation at Universal Robots, discusses five automation predictions.
ACROSS THE ANZ region, the past few years have seen many organ- isations implement tech-driven changes at a rapid pace. As society embraces and adopts digital technol- ogy, the effective management of new processes becomes key to the success of almost every business.
Advances in robotics, machine learning and other technologies have increased the pace of change tenfold. While these prom- ise to revolutionise the business world, all technology companies face the same chal- lenge – they can’t be good at everything.
In the world of robotics, this is no different. Creating a robotic sys- tem requires hardware development, software development, application development, sensors, and interfaces to name a few. That’s why 2023 will be the year of turnkey solutions. Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) – companies creating new applica- tions and products around existing
technologies – will lie at the heart of this. They can drive innovation by com- bining technologies to deliver complete solutions for the most common applica- tions, such as welding and palletising.
The result? Automation will become more sophisticated yet easier to use than ever before. Enabled Robotics, an OEM based in Denmark, is a great example of how this works. Since 2016 the company has been working to combine two types of cutting-edge technology by mounting cobots onto autonomous mobile robots (AMRs). This hybrid technology is now operating in industry, warehouse man- agement and production and bringing robotics to service applications and hos- pital intralogistics.
Ultimately, there is no limit to the imaginative ways companies will bring robots alongside humans in the world of work.
Traditional industrial robots remain important in some parts of manufactur- ing, but we are seeing a trend towards
44 ❙ MARCH – APRIL 2023
Above: Working alongside robots will create more human- centric, sustainable, and resilient businesses.

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