Page 21 - Australian Defence Magazine October 2021
P. 21

powered submarine – Defence appeared to have momentarily thrown caution to the wind: “In programs of this complexity it is entirely appropriate for the Depart- ment of Defence to undertake prudent contingency planning covering a range of potential options..... (but) this should not be taken as an indicator of future Gov- ernment decisions.”
said: “These capabilities, coupled with the planned Life-of-Type Extension of Aus- tralia’s Collins class submarine fleet, will enhance Australia’s ability to deter and re- spond to potential security challenges.
“The management of this transition, and other capability acquisition options that will meet Australia’s strategic re- quirements, will be at the forefront of con- sultations through AUKUS over the next 18 months.”
The decision to accelerate $1 billion for a sovereign guided weapons manufacturing enterprise was also mentioned as Request for Proposals open for a Medium Range Ground Based Air Defence capability.
“The Request for Proposal will improve Defence’s understanding of the capability and likely availability and timelines of cur- rent and potential future systems that can meet Australia’s requirements,” Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price said.
“We are also seeking to understand how Australian industry can leverage the Sov- ereign Guided Weapons Enterprise in their proposals to harness existing or emerging local munitions production capabilities.”
Defence said the Division undertook ‘contingency planning’ for the Future Submarine program, which has now been scrapped.

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