Page 21 - Climate Control News November 2018
P. 21
Compressors, Condensers & Evaporators
floors up to the plant room via the goods lift. Due to their compact size costly and disrup- tive cranage was avoided. Moreover, heat re- covery from the chillers via the condenser wa- ter loop was used to pre-heat feedwater to the
Domestic Hot Water system.
This reduces gas consumption of the boilers,
as well as electricity consumption of the cool- ing tower fans.
There were two Rendamax fully condensing boilers for Heating Hot Water and Domestic Hot Water used as the two systems are con- trolled at independent temperature set points for maximum efficiency.
At the same time, Kamstrup Ultrasonic Thermal Energy Meters were used to moni- tor, control and measure secondary energy demand and consumption of the hotel’s chilled water, heating hot water, domestic hot water and heat recovery. Existing fiber- glass cooling towers were refurbished with all new fill and fans.
Side stream filtration was installed on the condenser water system to minimize the amount of chemicals required.
The entire building BMS was upgraded in- cluding central plant optimization and energy management system. The hotel saved 23% off its electricity bill after the first two months of operating the new plant room.
Once system optimisation was complete (currently five months into a 12-month pro- cess), the team expects 26% annual energy savings on electricity and 16% on gas. The ENGIE Services team, in collaboration with Quantum design engineers in Germany de- veloped new generation, high efficiency com- pact chillers for the retrofit market where cranage would normally add significant costs to a project.
The chiller components were specifically
designed to fit the goods lift size and weight
limitations at the Four Seasons Hotel, saving
a huge cost for cranage in Sydney’s CBD.
More importantly, the innovative chiller de-
sign allowed the evaporator and condenser
vessels to be transported in the lift, without
the need for split vessels, removing the risk of
costly repairs for leaking gaskets during the
life of the chillers. ✺ installing the new Quantum chiller
Figure 1: OEM-trained ENGIE Technicians